From: (David Clunie)
Newsgroups: alt.image.medical,,comp.protocols.dicom
Subject: Revised draft FAQ on image formats
Followup-To: alt.image.medical
Date: 24 Jun 1994 12:13:57 +0300
Organization: Her Master's Voice
Lines: 1770
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <2ue84l$>
NNTP-Posting-Host: britt.ksapax
Xref: comp.protocols.dicom:221
This is not yet a real FAQ, just a draft on which I am actively working
that gives some idea of the direction in which I am progressing. I would
be very grateful if those who know about this sort of stuff would give me
as much help as they can. I have all the GE stuff ready to include when
I get through figuring out a compact way to describe it, and a little of the
SPI and Siemens information, as well as sections on ACR/NEMA, DICOM, and
I desperately need more information from non-GE vendors though, as well as
manufacturers of other modalities, and in particular email addresses of
helpful people would be nice.
david (
~Newsgroups: alt.image.medical,comp.protocols.dicom,,,alt.answers,comp.answers,sci.answers,
~Subject: Medical Image Format Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
~From: (David A. Clunie)
Followup-To: alt.image.medical
~Reply-To: (David A. Clunie)
Summary: This posting contains answers to the most Frequently Asked
Question on alt.image.medical - how do I convert from image
format X from vendor Y to something I can use ? In addition
it contains information about various standard formats.
Archive-name: medicalimage-faq
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: Thu Jun 23 19:20:46 GMT+0300 1994
Version: 1.0
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Please direct comments or questions and especially contributions to
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~Subject: Index
1. Introduction
1.1 Objective
1.2 Types of Formats
1.3 In Desperation - Quick & Dirty Tricks
2. Standard Formats
2.1 ACR/NEMA 1.0 and 2.0
2.3 Papyrus
2.4 Interfile V3.3
3. Proprietary Formats
3.1 General
3.1.1 SPI (Standard Product Interconnect)
3.2 CT
3.2.1 General Electric CT 9800 Image data Tape format Raw data CT Advantage - Genesis Image data Archive format Raw data Scitec/Pace
3.2.2 Siemens
3.2.3 Philips
3.2.4 Picker
3.2.5 Toshiba
3.2.6 Hitachi
3.2.7 Shimadzu
3.2.8 Elscint
3.3 MR
3.3.1 General Electric Signa 3X and 4X Image data Tape format Raw data Signa 5X - Genesis Image data Tape format Raw data Vectra
3.3.2 Siemens GBS I/II SP/Vision Impact
3.3.3 Philips pre-ACS ACS T5 NT5 & NT15
3.3.4 Picker
3.3.5 Toshiba
3.3.6 Hitachi
3.3.7 Shimadzu
3.3.8 Elscint
4. Host Machines
4.1 Data General
4.1.1 Data Integers Floating Point
4.1.2 Operating System
4.2 Vax
4.2.1 Data Integers Floating Point
4.2.2 Operating System
4.3 Sun4 - Sparc
4.2.1 Data Integers Floating Point
4.2.2 Operating System
5. Compression Schemes
5.1 Reversible
5.2 Irreversible
5.2.1 Perimeter Encoding
6. Getting Connected
6.1 Tapes
6.2 Ethernet
6.3 Serial Ports
7. Sources of Information
7.1 Vendor Contacts
7.2 Relevant FAQ's
7.3 Source Code
7.4 Commercial Offerings
7.5 FTP sites
7.6 Mailservers
7.7 References
~Subject: Introduction
1. Introduction
1.1 Objective
The goal of this FAQ is to facilitate access to medical images stored
on digital imaging modalities such as CT and MR scanners, and their
accompanying descriptive information. The document is designed particularly for
those who do not have access to the necessary proprietary tools or
descriptions, particularly in those moments when inspiration strikes and one
just can't wait for the local sales person to track down the necessary
authority and go through the cycle of correspondence necessary to get a
non-disclosure agreement in place, by which time interest in the project has
usually faded, and another great research opportunity has passed ! It may also
be helpful for those keen to experiment with home-grown PACS-like systems using
their existing equipment, and also for those who still have equipment that is
still useful but so old even the host computer vendor doesn't support it any
more !
There is of course no substitute for the genuine tools or descriptions
from the equipment vendors themselves, and pointers to helpful individuals in
various organizations, as well as names and catalog numbers of various useful
documents, are included here where known.
In addition there are several small companies that specialize in such
connectivity problems that have a good reputation and are well known. Contact
information is provided for them, though I personally have no experience with
their products and am not endorsing them.
Finally, great care has been taken not to include any information that
has been released under non-disclosure agreements. What is included here is the
result of either information freely released by vendors, handy hints from
others working in the field, or in many cases close scrutiny of hex dumps and
experimentation with scanner parameters and study of the effects on the image
files. The intent is to spread hard-earned knowledge gained over many years
amongst those new to the field or a particular piece of equipment, not to
threaten anyone's proprietary interests, or to substitute for the technical
support available from vendors that ranges from free to extortionate, and
excellent to abysmal, depending on who your are dealing with and where in the
world you are located !
Please use this information in the spirit in which is intended, and
where possible contribute whatever you know in order to expand the information
to cover more vendors and equipment.
1.2 Types of Formats
Later sections will deal with the problems of getting the image files
from the modality to the workstation, but for the moment assume the files are
there and need to be deciphered.
Four types of information are generally present in these files:
- image data, which may be unmodified or compressed,
- patient identification and demographics,
- technique information about the exam, series, and slice/image.
Extracting the image information alone is usually straightforward and
is described in 1.3. Dealing with the descriptive information, for example to
make use of the data for dissemination in a PACS environment, or to extract
geometry details in order to combine images into 3D datasets, is more difficult
and requires deeper understanding of how the files are constructed.
There are three basis families of formats that are in popular use:
- fixed format, where layout is identical in each file,
- block format, where the header contains pointers to information,
- tag based format, where each item contains its own length.
The block format is one of the most popular, though in most cases, the
early part of the header contains only a limited number of pointers to large
blocks, the blocks are almost always in the same place and a constant length,
for standard rather than reformatted images at least, and if one doesn't know
the specifics of the layout one can get by assumming a fixed format. I presume
this reflects the intent of the designers to handle future expansion and
revision of the format.
The example par excellence of the tag based format is the ACR/NEMA
style of data stream, which, though never intended as a file format per se has
proven useful as model. See for example the sections dealing with the ACR/NEMA
standards as well as DICOM (whose creators are about to vote on a media
interchange format after all this time) and Papyrus. ACR/NEMA style tags are
described in more detail elsewhere, but each is self-contained and
self-describing (at least if you have the appropriate data dictionary) and
contains its own length, so if you can't interpret it you can skip it ! Very
convenient. Most file formats based on this scheme are just concatenated series
of tags, and apart from having to guess the byte order, which is not specified
(unlike TIFF which is a similar deal for those in the "real" imaging world),
and sometimes skip a fixed length but short header, are dead easy to handle.
To identify such a file just do a "strings |
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
Bits Allocated = 16
Bits Stored = 12
High Bit = 15
|<------------------ pixel ----------------->|
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
Bits Allocated = 12
Bits Stored = 12
High Bit = 11
------ 2 ----->|<------------------ pixel 1 --------------->|
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
| | | | |
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
-------------- 3 ------------>|<------------ 2 --------------
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
| | | | |
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
|<------------------ pixel 4 --------------->|<----- 3 ------
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
| | | | |
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
And so on ... refer to the standard itself for more detail.
ACR/NEMA Standards Publications
No. PS 3.1-1992 <- DICOM 3 - Introduction & Overview
No. PS 3.8-1992 <- DICOM 3 - Network Communication Support
No. PS 3.2-1993 <- DICOM 3 - Conformance
No. PS 3.3-1993 <- DICOM 3 - Information Object Definitions
No. PS 3.4-1993 <- DICOM 3 - Service Class Specifications
No. PS 3.5-1993 <- DICOM 3 - Data Structures & Encoding
No. PS 3.6-1993 <- DICOM 3 - Data Dictionary
No. PS 3.7-1993 <- DICOM 3 - Message Exchange
No. PS 3.9-1993 <- DICOM 3 - Point-to-Point Communication
No. PS 3.10-???? <- DICOM 3 - Media Storage & File Format
No. PS 3.11-???? <- DICOM 3 - Media Storage Application Profiles
No. PS 3.12-???? <- DICOM 3 - Media Formats & Physical Media
DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standards are of
course the hot topic at every radiological trade show. Unlike previous attempts
at developing a standard, this one seems to have the potential to actually
achieve its objective, which in a nutshell, is to allow vendors to produce a
piece of equipment or software that has a high probability of communicating
with devices from other vendors.
Where DICOM differs substantially from other attempts, is in defining
so called Service-Object Pairs. For instance if a vendor's MR DICOM conformance
statement says that it supports an MR Storage Class as a Service Class
Provider, and another vendor's workstation says that it supports an MR Storage
Class as a Service Class User, and both can connect via TCP/IP over Ethernet,
then the two devices will almost certainly be able to talk to each other once
they are setup with each others network addresses and so on.
The keys to the success of DICOM are the use of standard network
facilities for interconnection (TCP/IP and ISO-OSI), a mechanism of association
establishment that allows for negotiation of how messages are to be
transferred, and an object-oriented specification of Information Objects (ie.
data sets) and Service Classes.
Of course all this makes for a huge and difficult to read standard, but
once the basic concepts are grasped, the standard itself just provides a
detailed reference. From the users' and equipment purchasers' points of view
the important thing is to be able to read and match up the Conformance
Statements from each vendor to see if two pieces of equipment will talk.
Just being able to communicate and transfer information is of course
not sufficient - these are only tools to help construct a total system with
useful functionality. Because a workstation can pull an image off an MRI
scanner doesn't mean it knows when to do it, when the image has become
available, to which patient it belongs, and where it is subsequently archived,
not to mention notifying the Radiology or Hospital Information System (RIS/HIS)
when such a task has been performed. In other words DICOM Conformance does not
guarantee functionality, it only facilitates connectivity.
In otherwords, don't get too carried away with espousing the virtues of
DICOM, demanding it from vendors, and expecting it to be the panacea to create
a useful multi-vendor environment.
Fred Prior ( has come up with the concept of a
User Conformance Statement to be generated by purchasers and to be satisfied by
vendors. The idea is that one describes what one expects and hence gives the
vendor a chance to realistically satisfy the buyer ! Of course each such
statement must be tailored to the user's needs, and simply stapling a copy of
Fred's statement to a Request For Proposals is not going to achieve the desired
objective. Caveat empor.
To get more information about DICOM:
- Purchase the standards from NEMA (address below) when they
become available around July 1994.
- Ftp the final versions of the drafts in electronic form
one of the sites described below.
- Follow the Usenet group comp.protocols.dicom.
- Get a copy of "Understanding DICOM 3.0" $12.50 from Kodak.
- Insist that your existing and potential vendors supply you
with DICOM conformance statements before you upgrade or
purchase, and don't buy until you know what they mean. Don't
take no for an answer !!!!
What is all this doing in an FAQ about medical image formats you ask ?
Well first of all, in many ways DICOM 3.0 will solve future connectivity
problems, if not provide functional solutions to common problems. Hence
actually getting the images from point A to B is going to be easier if everyone
conforms. Furthermore, for those of us with old equipment, interfacing it to
new DICOM conforming equipment is going to be a problem. In otherwords old
network solutions and file formats are going to have to be transformed if they
are going to communicate unidirectionally or bidirectionally with DICOM 3.0
nodes. One is still faced with the same old questions of how does one move the
data and how does one interpret it.
The specifics of the DICOM message format are very similar to the
previous versions of ACR/NEMA on which it is based. The data dictionary is
greatly extended, and certain data elements have been "retired" but can be
ignored gracefully if present. The message itself can now be transmitted as a
byte stream over networks, rather than using a point-to-point paradigm
excusively (though the old point-to-point interface is available). This message
can be encoded in various different Transfer Syntaxes for transmission. When
two devices ("Application Entities" or AE) begin to establish an "Association",
they negotiate an appropriate transfer syntax. They may choose an Explicit
Big-Endian Transfer Syntax in which integers are encoded as big-endian and
where each data element includes a specific field that says "I am an unsigned
16 bit integer" or "I am an ascii floating-point number", or alternatively they
can fall back on the default transfer syntax which every AE must support, the
Implicit Little-Endian Transfer Syntax which is just the same as an old
ACR/NEMA message with the byte order defined once and for all.
This is all very well if you are using DICOM as it was originally
envisaged - talking over a network, negotiating an association, and determining
what Transfer Syntax to use. What if one wants to store a DICOM message in a
file though ? Who is to say which transfer syntax one will use to encode it
offline ? One approach, used for example by the Central Test Node software
produced by Mallinkrodt and used in the RSNA Inforad demonstrations, is just to
store it in the default little-endian implicit syntax and be done with it. This
is obviously not good enough if one is going to be mailing tapes, floppies and
optical disks between sites and vendors though, and hence the DICOM group
decided to define a "Media Storage & File Format" part of the standard, the new
Chapter 10 which is about to be or has just been voted on.
Amongst other things, this new part defines a generic DICOM file format
that contains a brief header, the "DICOM File Meta Information Header" which
contains a 128 byte preamble (that the user can fill with anything), a 4 byte
DICOM prefix "DICM", then a short DICOM format message that contains newly
defined elements of group 0002 in the default Implicit Little Endian Transfer
Syntax, which uniquely identify the data set as well as specifying the Transfer
Syntax for the rest of the file. The rest of the message must specify a single
SOP instance which can of course contain multiple images as folders if
necessary. The length of the brief message in the Meta Header is specified in
the first data element as usual, the group length.
So what choices of Transfer Syntax does one have and why all the fuss ?
Well the biggest distinction is between implicit and explicit representation
which allows for multiple possible representations for a single element, in
theory at least, and perhaps allows one to make more of an unknown data element
than one otherwise could perhaps. Some purists (and Interfile people) would
argue that the element should be identified descriptively, and there is nothing
to stop someone from defining their own private Transfer Syntax that does just
that (what a heretical thought, wash my mouth out with soap). With regard to
the little vs. big endian debate I can't see what the fuss is about, as it
can't really be a serious performance issue.
Perhaps more importantly in the long run, the Transfer Syntax mechanism
provides a means for encapsulating compressed data streams, without having to
deal with the vagaries and mechanics of compression in the standard itself. For
example, if DICOM version 3.0, in addition to the "normal" Transfer Syntaxes, a
series are defined to correspond to each of the Joint Photographic Experts
Group (JPEG) processes. Each one of these Transfer Syntaxes encodes data
elements in the normal way, except for the image pixel data, which is defined
to be encoded as a valid and self-contained JPEG byte stream. Both reversible
and irreversible processes of various types are provided for, without having to
mess with the intricacies of encoding the various tables and parameters that
JPEG processes require. Presumably a display application that supports such a
Transfer Syntax will just chop out the byte stream, pass it to the relevant
JPEG decode, and get an uncompressed image back. More importantly, an archive
server can store the image and retrieve it without ever having to know anything
about how the image pixel data is encoded. Contrast this approach with that
taken by those defining the TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) for general imaging
and page layout applications. In their version 6.0 standard they attempted to
disassemble the JPEG stream into its various components and assign each to a
specific tag. Unfortunately this proved to be unworkable after the standard was
disseminated and they have gone back to the drawing board.
Now one may not like the JPEG standard, but one cannot argue with the
fact that the scheme is workable, and a readily available means of reversible
compression has been incorporated painlessly. How effective a compression
scheme this is remains to be determined, and whether or not the irreversible
modes gain wide acceptance will be dictated by the usual medico-legal paranoia
that prevails in the United States, but the option is there for those who want
to take it up. There is of course no reason why private compression schemes
cannot be readily incorporated using this "encapsulation" mechanism, and to
preserve bandwidth this will undoubtedly occur. This will not compromise
compatibility though, as one can always fall back to a default, uncompressed
Transfer Syntax. The DICOM Working Group on compression will undoubtedly bring
out new possibilities.
In order to identify all these various syntaxes, information objects,
and so on, DICOM has adopted the ISO concept of the Unique Identifier (UID)
which is a text string of numbers and periods with a unique root for each
organization that is registered with ISO and various organizations that in turn
register others in a hierarchical fashion. For example 1.2.840.10008.1.2 is
defined as the Implicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax. The 1 identifies ISO,
the 2 is the ISO member body branch, the 840 is the specific member body
country code, in this case ANSI, and the 10008 is registered by ANSI to NEMA
for DICOM. UID's are also used to uniqely identify non-DICOM specific things,
such as information objects. These are constructed from a prefix registered to
the supplier or vendor or site, and a unique suffix that may be generated from
say a date and time stamp (which is not to be parsed). For example an instance
of a CT information object might have a UID of
1.2.840.123456.002.999999.940623.170717 where a (presumably US) vendor
registered 123456, and the modality generated a unique suffix based on its
device number, patient hospital id, date and time, which have no other
significance other than to create a unique suffix.
The other important new concept that DICOM introduced was the concept
of Information Objects. In the previous ACR/NEMA standard, though modalities
were identified by a specific data element, and though there were rules about
which data elements were mandatory, conditional or optional in ceratin
settings, the concept was relatively loosely defined. Presumably in order to
provide a mechanism to allow conformance to be specified and hence ensure
interoperability, various Information Objects are defined that are composed of
sets of Modules, each module containing a specific set of data elements that
are present or absent according to specific rules. For example, a CT Image
Information Object contains amongst others, a Patient module, a General
Equipment module, a CT Image module, and an Image Pixel module. An MR Image
Information module would contain all of these except the CT Image module which
would be replaced by an MR Image module. Clearly one needs descriptive
information about a CT image that is different from an MR image, yet the
commonality of the image pixel data and the patient information is recognized
by this model.
Hence, as described earlier, one can define pairs of Information
Objects and Services that operate on such objects (Storage, Query/Retrieve,
etc.) and one gets SOP classes and instances. All very object oriented and
initially confusing perhaps, but it provides a mechanism for specifying
conformance. From the point of view of an interpreters of a DICOM compatible
data stream this means that for a certain instance of an Information Object,
certain information is guaranteed to be in there, which is nice. As a creator
of such a data stream, one must ensure that one follows all the rules to make
sure that all the data elements from all the necessary modules are present.
Having done so one then just throws all the data elements together, sorts them
into ascending order by group and element order, and pumps them out. It is a
shame that the data stream itself doesn't reflect the underlying order in the
Information Objects, but I guess they had to maintain backward compatibility,
hence this little bit of ugliness. This gets worse when one considers how to
put more than one object in a folder inside another object.
At this point I am tempted to include more details of various different
modules, data elements and transfer syntaxes, as well as the TCP/IP mechanism
for connection. However all this information is in the standard itself which is
readily available electronically from the ftp sites, and in the interests of
brevity I will not succumb to temptation at this time.
2.3 Papyrus
Papyrus is an image file format based on ACR/NEMA version 2.0. I don't
have much information about it yet, but what I do know, gleaned from Usenet and
a presentation at SCAR 94 is:
- it is from Switzerland,
- there is a library of tools available for handling it,
- it allows multiple images/file,
- it has something to do with the European RACE Telemed project,
- it stores 16 bit integers as big-endian,
and that is all for the moment ! Someone is sending me more information
Real Soon Now so stay tuned.
2.4 Interfile V3.3
Interfile is a "file format for the exchange of nuclear medicine image
data" created I gather under the auspices of the American Association of
Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) for the purpose of transfer of images of quality
control phantoms, and has been subsequently used for clinical work (please
correct me if I am wrong Trevor).
It specifies a file format composed of ascii "key-value" pairs and a
data dictionary of keys. The binary image data may be contained in the same
file as the "administrative information", or in a separate file pointed to by a
"name of data file" key. Image data may be binary integers, IEEE floating point
values, or ascii and the byte order is specified by a key "imagedata byte
order". The order of keys is defined by the Interfile syntax which is more
sophisticated than a simple list of keys, allowing for groups, conditionals and
loops to dictate the order of key-value pairs.
Conformance to the Interfile standard is informally described in terms
of which types of image data types, pixel types, multiple windows, special
Interfile features including curves, and restriction to various maximum
recommended limits.
Interfile is specifically NOT a communications protocol and strictly
deals with offline files. There are efforts to extend Interfile to include
modalities other than nuclear medicine, as well as to keep ACR/NEMA and
Interfile data dictionaries in some kind of harmony.
A sample list of Interfile 3.3 key-value pairs is shown here to give
you some idea of the flavor of the format. The example is culled from part of a
Static study in the Interfile standard document and is not complete:
!imaging modality :=nucmed
!version of keys :=3.3
data description :=static
patient name :=joe doe
!patient ID :=12345
patient dob :=1968:08:21
patient sex :=M
!study ID :=test
exam type :=test
data compression :=none
!image number :=1
!matrix size [1] :=64
!matrix size [2] :=64
!number format :=signed integer
!number of bytes per pixel :=2
!image duration (sec) :=100
image start time :=10:20: 0
total counts :=8512
One can see how easy such a format would be to extend, as well as how
it is readable and almost useable without reference to any standard document or
data dictionary.
Undoubtedly ACR/NEMA DICOM 3.0 to Interfile translators will soon
proliferate in view of the fact that many Nuclear Medicine vendors supply
Interfile translators at present.
To get hold of the Interfile 3.3 standard by ftp, see the sources and
contacts listed later in this document.
~Subject: Proprietary Formats
3. Proprietary Formats
3.1 General
3.1.1 SPI (Standard Product Interconnect)
SPI is a standard based on the old ACR/NEMA standard, devised I gather
by Siemens and Philips, for use in a PACS environment. Who currently maintains
it and whether or not Sienet PACS systems are based on it, I am not certain.
Many machines in the workplace use it in some shape or form, or can export
files in SPI format. I gather it has been around since 1987 or so, but I do not
yet have access to the reference documents, nor permission to disclose their
contents, so much of the following is guess work or hearsay from Usenet.
Like the ACR/NEMA standard, SPI is designed to define interconnections
between pieces of equipment from the physical level through to the application
level. Where appropriate it utilized relevant parts of ACR/NEMA. Unlike
ACR/NEMA, I gather that SPI is aware of the concept of networks, objects
containing information, the need to uniquely identify instances of objects, and
defines an offline file format. Thus in many ways it sounds like the missing
link between ACR/NEMA 2.0 and DICOM 3.0.
SPI makes use of ACR/NEMA data elements and groups, and in addition
provides "shadow" private odd-numbered groups as dictated by the ACR/NEMA
standard for the purpose of storing additional items of information, including
a means of uniquely identifying objects, as well as allowing for enumerated
values for elements beyond those defined by ACR/NEMA. SPI also defines a byte
order for offline storage of data streams. Integers are stored in little endian
format (least significant byte first).
Needless to say this section needs expanding dramatically so please send
more information !
3.2 CT
3.2.1 General Electric
Now we get to the meaty part. After years of being faced with the
problem of either a) hours of detective work, or b) tediously tracking down the
name of the responsible person and exercising a non-disclosure agreement,
General Electric (or Generous Electric as I heard them described the other day)
now really are being generous, as well as sensible, and are making their image
format description documents freely available. For details see the contact
section later on. In the meantime, both for historical completeness,
educational purposes, and for those who can't wait for document to come in the
mail, a summary of the relevant formats and decompression algorithms is
provided here. CT 9800 Image data
- "block format" header
- perimeter encoding
- optional DPCM compression
- Data General host (various)
- RDOS (yuck !)
Almost everyone in this field has at some stage
encountered the dreaded CT 9800 format. The world is divided into two groups of
people ... those who have seen the documents or the critical piece of code in
another program or have been given a handy hint, and those who will never
figure out the format themselves.
Essentially the format fits into the "block
format" described earlier, with pointers to each of the major header
components. Rarely, if ever, does one encounter a file that doesn't have the
same size blocks in the same place, so most people treat it as a fixed layout.
I believe that reformatted images may have another header stored in there, but
I have never tested for it.
The data itself is stored in one of two forms
depending on whether compression is selected or not during archival. In the
uncompressed form, a type of perimeter encoding is used (see later section) in
which for an essentially circular object, the outer parts of a rectangular
image are discarded (and expected to be filled in with a background pixel value
during reconstitution of the image). In the case of the CT9800 then, the image
pixel data is interpreted using a map, which contains an entry for each row of
the image (either 256, 320 or 512 entries) which specifies the length of the
row that is actually stored, centered about the midline of the image. This
obviously saves a lot of space.
If compression is selected on one of the later
model machines, then a form of Differential Pulse Code Modulation is used, in
which advantage is taken of the fact that not all the bits of a 16 bit word are
need to store a CT value. I gather only 12 bits of data are actually
significant, but one can theoretically represent 15 using this scheme.
Essentially, the first 16 bit word is read and used as is. Then another byte is
read. If its most significant bit is set, then the remaining 7 bits represent a
signed difference value relative to the previous pixel. If its most significant
bit is not set, then the difference must have exceeded the range of 7 bits, and
hence the next byte is read to complete a valid 16 bit word (15 bits really)
which is the actual pixel value. The really neat thing about this scheme is
that the same algorithm can be used for compressed or uncompressed data as an
uncompressed stream of words will never have the most significant bit set !
The following piece of C++ code pulled out of
a CT9800 to DICOM translator will give you the general idea. Note that the
perimeter encoding map has already been read in. Note in particular the need to
deal with sign extension of the difference value. Also note that the code
doesn't handle the first pixel specially because its high bit will not be set.
static void
copy9800image(ifstream& instream,DC3ofstream& outstream,
Uint16 resolution,Uint16 *map)
unsigned i;
Int16 last_pixel;
for (i=0; i|<------ Exponent ------>|<--------- Mantissa -------->|
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
| | | | |
31 28 27 24 23 20 19 16
|<----------------------- Mantissa ------------------------>|
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
| | | | |
15 12 11 8 7 4 3 0
Here is a little piece of C++ code that should run on
anything and convert Data General floats to whatever the host's floating point
format is.
double value;
unsigned char sign;
Uint16 exponent;
Uint32 mantissa;
typedef struct {
unsigned sign : 1;
unsigned exponent : 7;
unsigned mantissa : 24;
DG_FLOAT number;
unsigned char buffer[4];,4);
if (instream) {
// DataGeneral is a Big Endian machine
memcpy ((char *)(&number),buffer,4);
sign = number.sign;
exponent = number.exponent;
mantissa = number.mantissa;
value = (double) mantissa / (1 << 24) *
pow (16.0, (long)(exponent) - 64);
value = (sign == 0) ? value : -value;
else {
cerr << "read failed\n" << flush;
4.1.2 Operating System RDOS
Used on the GE CT 9800 family. Severely primitive and not
multitasking. Documentation is no longer available from Data General (I tried)
and was not supplied with the scanner by GE, so if anyone knows where I can
find it let me know. Here is a brief command summary culled from a nifty pocket
book from GE for SunOS/Genesis users that compares commands:
CHATR - file attributes
CRAND - create randomly organized file
CDIR - create directory
DELETE - files or directories
DIR - change directory
DISK - free space
FILCOM - compare files
GDIR - show working directory name
GTOD - show date and time
LINK - files (symbolic)
LIST - directory contents
MOVE - a file
RENAME - a file
SDAT - set date
STOD - set time
SDUMP - write files to a device
SLOAD - read dumped files
SPEED - tex editor
TYPE - contents of file
XFER - copy a file
wildcards: '-' is series, '*' is single character AOS/VS
Used on the GE Signa 3X and 4X family. Quite a nice
operating system with multi-tasking and hierarchical directories. Here is a
brief command summary again culled from a nifty pocket book from GE for
SunOS/Genesis users that compares commands:
ACL - access control list (ownership)
BYE - exit command process
COPY - a file
CREATE - a text file
CREATE/DIR - a directory
CREATE/LINK - link files
DELETE - files & directories
DIR - display or change working directory
DUMP - to peripheral
F/AS/S - directory listing with file status
DATE - show or set
LOAD - DUMPed files
MOVE - a file
RENAME - a file
PATH - show pathname of a file
PAUSE - the command line interpreter
SUPERU ON - enable superuser
SED - text editor
TIME - show or set
TYPE - contents of text file
? - list processes running
wildcards: '+' is series, '*' is single character
Other useful hints include the use of "^" to refer to the
next directory up (like ".." in Unix) in DIR commands. Command options follow
the command name without any spaces and are indicated by a slash. COPY
operations specify the destination name first and then the source name. Devices
like the mag tape are indicated by "@", for example "@MTB0" is tape drive zero.
Files on the tape can be referred to as "@MTB0:nn" which is very handy. For
example to read a file off a CT 9800 tape under AOS/VS:
COPY/V/IMTRSIZE=8192 B038040101.YP @MTB0:18
Perhaps most importantly, there is an extensive online
help system ... use the HELP command.
4.2 Vax
4.2.1 Data Integers Floating Point Strings
4.2.2 Operating System
4.3 Sun4 - Sparc
4.2.1 Data Integers Floating Point Strings
4.2.2 Operating System
~Subject: Compression Schemes
5. Compression Schemes
5.1 Reversible
5.2 Irreversible
5.2.1 Perimeter Encoding
~Subject: Getting Connected
6. Getting Connected
6.1 Tapes
6.2 Ethernet
6.3 Serial Ports
~Subject: Sources of Information
7. Sources of Information
7.1 Vendor Contacts
ACR/NEMA and DICOM standards:
NEMA Publication Sales
2101 L St. NW, Suite 300
Washington DC 20037-1526
phone (202) 457-8474
DICOM standards comments and working group information:
David Snavely, Staff Executive
2101 L St. NW, Suite 300
Washington DC 20037-1526
phone (202) 457-1965
Gordon Bass
American College of Radiology
1891 Preston White Drive
Reston VA 22091
phone (703) 648-8900
Kodak "Understanding DICOM 3.0" for $US 12.50 (no credit cards):
Angie Helms
Kodak Health Imaging Systems
18325 Waterview Parkway
Dallas TX 75252
phone 1-800-767-3448
Independent JPEG Group (IJG):
Tom Lane (
Trevor Cradduck (
Andrew Todd-Pokropek (
General Electric, for image format information:
John Meissner
Networks Technical Leader
GE Medical Systems
N25 W23255 Paul Road
Pewaukee WI 53072
phone (414) 896-2707
email ""
7.2 Relevant FAQ's
Archive-name: graphics/resources-list/part[1-3]
Archive-name: graphics/faq
Archive-name: pixutils-faq
Archive-name: image-processing/Macintosh
Archive-name: sci-data-formats
DICOM FAQ - maintained by (David S. Channin)
- periodically posted to comp.protocols.dicom
med.volviz.faq - maintained by (Matti Haveri)
- occasionally posted to alt.image.medical
- discussed medical volume visualization
FITS basics and information (periodic posting)
- FITS (Flexible Image Transport System)
- for astronomical data
- periodically posted by (BARRY M. SCHLESINGER)
- in sci.astro.fits,
7.3 Source Code
7.3.X JPEG
PVRG-JPEG CODEC:[]:/pub/jpeg/JPEGv1.2.tar.Z
- sequential DCT baseline,
- lossless modes.
- sequential DCT baseline,
- 12 bit DCT modes.
7.4 Commercial Offerings
Interfaces between vendors equipment and DICOM 3.0:
DeJarnette Research Systems Inc.
Suite 700
401 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
phone 410-583-0694
7.5 FTP sites
DICOM draft standards and demonstration software:
/dicom_docs/dicom_3.0/postcript postscript
/dicom_docs/dicom_3.0/frame FrameMaker
/dicom_docs/dicom_3.0/word_hqx Microsoft Word
/dicom_software/Mallinckrodt Mallinkrodt RSNA '93
/dicom_software/European European CEN/TC251/WG4
/pub/dicom/images/version3 sample images
ACR/NEMA (dicom) viewer for MAC (haven't tried this yet):
Interfile: (site maintained by[000000.nucmed]
Various sample medical images (may be out of date):
CT reconstruction software:
3DVIEWNIX (University of Pennsylvania):
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) for astronomical data:
Medical Informatics standards, including HL7:
7.6 Mailservers
7.7 References
David A. Clunie (
"I must see your DICOM 3 conformance statement before I buy."