Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Harvard Medical School

BrighamRAD Radiology Teaching Files

Teaching collections from our department, in collaboration with the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine and the Decision Systems Group are being developed. These files are stored on a World Wide Web (WWW) server at the Countway Library of Medicine.

A master index of cases from our teaching collections, as Unknowns

Teaching Modules

Abdominal Imaging Module
Steven E Seltzer, MD. Each case may be accessed either by diagnosis or as an unknown.

Finding the Path
Piran Aliabadi, MD, B Leonard Holman, MD. An imaging guide for clinicians, housestaff, and students. List of Case Studies.

Musculoskeletal Module
Nancy D Baker, MD. Each case may be accessed either by diagnosis or as an unknown.

Neuroradiology Module
Cases may be accessed either by diagnosis or as an unknown.

A WHOLE BRAIN ATLAS, sponsored by the Departments of Radiology and Neurology at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, the Countway Library of Medicine, Digital Equipment Corporation, and the American Academy of Neurology, is available through this link.

Nuclear Medicine Module
Finn Mannting, MD, PhD, J Stevan Nagel, MD. Developed by the Department of Radiology at Brigham and Women's Hospital, in collaboration will members of the Joint Program in Nuclear Medicine (JPNM). Cases may be accessed either by diagnosis or as an unknown.
The Joint Program in Nuclear Medicine also maintains a nuclear medicine teaching file, available through this link.

Radiology/Pathology Correlation Module
Ramin Khorasani, MD, David S Weinberg, MD, PhD, Harry Z Mellins, MD. The following cases have been selected from the correlative radiology/pathology conferences, in collaboration with the Department of Pathology. Each case may be accessed either by diagnosis or as an unknown.

Medical Physics
Stephen C Moore, PhD. Physical Characteristics of Nuclear Medicine Images.

Ultrasound Module
Faye C Laing, MD. Each case may be accessed either by diagnosis or as an unknown.

BrighamRAD Project: GL Mammone,