Workshop on
Intracellular Transport Systems
Waldeyerstr. 15, 48149 Münster, Germany
Wednesday, February 15, 1995
O. Schober, Prorektor für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs
H. Kresse, Speaker of the Special Collaborative Programme 310
18.45 h M. W. J. Ferguson, Manchester: Manipulation of growth factors and scarring during wound healing
19.30 h Buffet
Thursday, February 16, 1995
8.30 h S. Gustavson, Uppsala: ICAM-1 is a cell surface receptor for hyaluronan
9.15 h L. Sherman, Karlsruhe: Functions of CD44 splice variants in embryonic development and normal differentiation
10.00 h Coffee break
Chairperson: H.Kresse
10.30 h V. Nickel: The hyaluronate synthase from Streptococcus: Cloning, purification and reconstitution of enzymatic activity by a new phase separation method
10.50 h P. Prehm: Regulation of the hyaluronate synthesis in eukaryotic cells
11.10 h H. Hausser: Small proteoglycans and TGF-ß
11.30 h E. Schönherr: Interactions of decorin and biglycan with fibrillar collagens
11.50 h R. Hagg: Molecular interactions in cartilage fibrils
12.10 h J. Farjanel, Lyon: Phenotypic modulation of chondrocytes in collagen-I gels
12.30 h Lunch in the Mensa
Chairperson: P. Bruckner
13.30 h M. Paulsson, Bern: Tissue transglutaminase: A protein crosslinking agent in extracellular matrix
14.15 h K. von der Mark, Erlangen: Role of type X collagen and annexin V in calcification of cartilage
15.00 h Break
Chairperson: H.-J. Galla
15.30 h R. Chiquet-Ehrismann & M. Chiquet, Basel: The regulation of tenascin- isotype expression
16.30 h W. Völker: Studies of the binding and translocation of vitronectin in cultured endothelial cells
16.50 h S. Decker: Expression of thrombospondin in cultured cerebral capillary endothelial cells
17.10 h D. Hoheisel: Scavenger- and LDL-receptors on endothelial cells of blood- brain barrier
19.00 h Dinner
Friday, February 17, 1995
Chairperson: M. A. Schmidt
8.30 h K. Simons, Heidelberg: Sorting of protein and lipids to the cell surface in epithelial cells
9.15 h V. Braun, Tübingen: Active transport systems and signal transfer in E.coli
10.00 h Coffee break
Chairperson: A. Barnekow
10.30 h N. Hotchin, London: Regulation of cell-matrix interactions by the small GTP-binding proteins ras and rho
11.15 h W. Huttner, Heidelberg: Biogenesis of neurosecretory vesicles
12.00 h Lunch in the Mensa
Chairperson: H.-J. Galla
13.30 h F. Spener: Fatty acid binding proteins and cell differentiation
14.15 h A. Hasilik, Marburg: Alternative mechanisms to the transport of lysosomal enzyms
15.00 h Coffee break
Chairperson: K. Heckmann
15.30 h V. Gerke: Annexins I and II in endocytosis
15.50 h T. Mayer: The role of GTP-binding proteins in cellular transport
16.10 h H. Robenek:Repression of macrophage scavenger receptor in macrophage - smooth muscle cell heterokaryons
16.30 h R. Renneberg: Sensing of heart type fatty acid binding protein, an early marker of acute myocardial infarction
16.50 h F. Guthmann, Berlin/Münster: FABPf in type II pneumocytes
17.10 h A. Tiedtke: Synthesis and processing of phagosomes
Closing remarks: H. Kresse
Secretary of the Special Collaborative Programme 310, Mrs. K. Winter
Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
Waldeyerstr. 15, D-48129 Münsster; Tel.: +251 835576, Fax: +251 835596
G. Mersmann (mersman@uni-