Brigham and Women's Hospital, Department of Radiology

Findings: Case of 75 y/o woman, painless jaundice


Ultrasound examination of the right upper quadrant shows a dilated biliary system (arrow). The right common bile duct measures 11.9 mm in diameter. The common duct is dilated to the level of the ampulla of Vater, where a nonshadowing intraluminal mass (arrow) is visible. The gallbladder contains a small amount of sludge but is otherwise normal. No pancreatic mass is visible.

[CT]Computed Tomography

CT examination confirms the presence of biliary dilatation (arrow) to the distal common bile duct (arrow) with a pancreatic duct of top-normal caliber. Again, no mass is apparent. No enlarged lymph nodes are evident. CT shows a 1 cm indeterminate lesion (arrow) in the left lobe of the liver.

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