[DESY LOGO] Welcome to DESY

This is the World Wide Web server for the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg. The laboratory performs basic research in high-energy and particle physics as well as in the production and application of synchrotron radiation. The laboratory has locations in Hamburg and Zeuthen, Germany. Please see below for more information about this laboratory.

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Local Information

User Support Group
The User Support Group runs the User Consulting Office (opening hours), publishes short references for various programs and computer hardware, and delivers web services .
Application Software Group
In this area the ASG will report about newly installed application software, like the new LaTeX2e which will become the default soon.
The DESY Library
Electronic preprints, DESY reports, accessions list of last week, conference list, electronic journals, list of journals available in the DESY library, instruction for submitting papers to electronic archives
Servers for Algebraic Quantum Field Theory Group, DESY-Zeuthen, EMBL Hamburg at DESY, H1, HASYLAB, HERA-B, HERMES, II. Inst. für theo. Physik, MKV-2/KRYK, Quantum Chaos Group, Tesla Test Facility, ZEUS, Max Planck Gruppen, and others both on- and off-site.
DESY Software Support
DESY computer center standalone workstation and HEP support.
To read internet news. Newsgroups for DESY are now available.
Minutes of meetings of DESY Committees.
DESY ftp server
Software and documentation. Also DESY-Zeuthen ftp server.
User Documents
Algorithms, C++, GNU, Literate Programming, Lattice HEP, and Physics.

Selected Additional Information

World Wide Web
Info at CERN. Also there is a FAQ. Supported clients at DESY include Mosaic, Lynx, and Line-mode Browser.
High Energy Physics
Links to information relevant to high energy physics and to the Particle Data Group.
More links including system help files, postal codes, and other information servers.
