Secure Persistent Object Systems

Andreas Rudloff (1/92-7/95)


Development of system abstractions and programming idioms to support the construction of secure (distributed) persistent object systems in Tycoon.

Work Items

x/94-x/94, Andre Willomat,
Implementation of a Tycoon socket library ##
x/94-x/94, Andre Willomat,
Implementation of a Tycoon gateway to Kerberos
x/xx-x/xx, Andreas Rudloff, [RMS94]
Development of an initial Tycoon authentication model
x/xx-x/xx, Andreas Rudloff
Tycoon machine extensions to support authentication
x/94-x/95, Andre Willomat, [Info]
Development of a secure Tycoon mail toolkit
12/95-12/96, Thomas Kaß, [Info] [Info]
Development of a Tycoon authorization library


##public Tycoon server
Florian Matthes, (21-mar-95). Your feedback is welcome.