The P-Quest Project
P-Quest extends the language Quest developed by Luca Cardelli
[Card89,Card90] by transparent and orthogonal persistence
management and failure recovery. The language implementation is based on
the Napier Persistent Object Store develped at the University of
St. Andrews [BrRo90].
In the P-Quest project (between 1990 and 1992) our
group investigated the state of the art in persistent programming
languages in the tradition of PS-algol, Napier-88, Amber and Galileo.
We also used P-Quest as a testbed for a comparison between add-on
and built-in approaches to bulk data management, for experiments
in generic data visualization and type-safe gatway construction to
commercial SQL databases.
The P-Quest runtime system has been implemented by Rainer Müller as a Master's
thesis project supervised by Florian
Matthes. Numerous students have contributed to the construction of
the Tycoon libraries which have been
implemented initially in P-Quest.
Since 1992, P-Quest has been used for the implementation of the Tycoon language processors (scanner,
parser, unparser, type checker, intermediate code generator,
intermediate code optimizer, target code generator, dynamic linker,
...). Much emphasis has been put on the exchangability and reusability
of the individual compiler components by using (wherever possible)
compiler generator technology [SchMa92].
P-Quest Publications
Each of the following entries contains a link to the paper abstract and
from there a link to the relevant PostScript file.[MMS92] F. Matthes, R. Müller, and J.W.
Object Stores as Servers in Persistent Programming Environments - The
P-Quest Experience.
FIDE Technical Report FIDE/92/48, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität
Hamburg, Germany, July 1992.
[NMM92] C. Niederee, S. Mü├čig, and F.
P-Quest User Manual.
DBIS Tycoon Report 102-92, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg,
Germany, February 1992.
(in German).
[SchMa92] G. Schröder and F. Matthes.
Using the Tycoon Compiler Toolkit.
DBIS Tycoon Report 061-92, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg,
Germany, May 1992.
[Matt91] F. Matthes.
P-Quest: Installation and User Manual.
DBIS Tycoon Report 101-91, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg,
Germany, October 1991.
Florian Matthes (3-mar-94)