Laufende Arbeiten
- 4/94-4/95, Tanja Jung, [Info]
- Revision of the Tycoon standard libraries based on the experience
with Eiffel, C++, Modula-3 and Smalltalk libraries; definition of style
guides for libraries and interfaces
- 6/94-6/95, Andreas Geisler,
- Implementation of dynamic type representations, dynamic values,
first-class scopes and a callable compiler with a graphical frontend
- 6/94-6/95, Hubertus Köhler,
- Implementation of graphical browsers for data, code and thread
- 8/94-8/95, Andreas Piellusch,
- Synchronization of long-lived activities
- 9/94-6/95, Lukas Gorzynski,
- Transparent NFS gateway to TSP object stores
- 10/94-10/95, Gerd Bremer,
- Experiments with alternative abstract syntax tree (AST)
representations and type checking algorithms for TL
- 10/94-10/95, Jens Wahlen
- Integration of extensible grammars and the revised type checker into
the standard Tycoon language processors
- x/94-x/95, Andre Willomat,
- Tycoon Mail Toolkit
- 1/95-3/95, Martin Pakendorf,
- Replacement of the stack-based TVM by a register machine
- 5/94-5/95, Kai Shen,
- Tycoon port to MS/Windows, integration with OLE 2.0
- 12/94-5/95, Christian Koch,
- Revision of the Tycoon module and library management
- 12/94-5/95, Andreas Bösch,
- PolitIcon project: object-oriented analysis and design, VisualBasic
prototype implementation
- 2/95-4/95 Sören Stamer,
Florian Matthes
- Development of a graphical workflow notation based on the StP/OMT
tool infrastructure
- 4/95-7/95, Ulrike Steffens, ,
- Gateway from Tycoon to an information retrieval engine, INQUERY,
University of Massachussetts
- 4/95-7/95, Ilona Hachmann,
- Overview of visualization alternatives using TL and StarView
Florian Matthes, (21-mar-95). Your feedback is welcome.