Users without an evident need to modify a specific library should use a link. There are two choices for the directory containing the .x-files for libenv.
tw-share-installFor all directories below bootlib, the user is informed about the current configuration of the directory and asked for the desired configuration.
configuring /local/teamware/rudloff/tycoon/tycoon/bootlib current configuration for bootlib/Bernd : authenv is copy, ../lib/authenv is copy desired configuration: (0) unchanged (1) authenv as link, ../lib/authenv as link (2) authenv as link, ../lib/authenv as copy (3) authenv as copy, ../lib/authenv as copy choice: [0]In the example the user has a complete copy of authenv including a copy of the corresponding .x-files. Now the new configuration can be choosen and the required actions (removal of copies and creation of links resp. removal of links and bringover) are performed.
If later on the user recognizes that a copy of libenv is necessary, the same script can be used to switch back. For this reason, the script can be called with a list of directories to be reconfigured as arguments, for example
tw-share-install authenv
Attention: navigating (with cd) along a link will move the user into the shared workspace. To go back to the user`s workspace, type
cd $TYCOON_ROOTor define your own command or shell alias, or setup your C-shell variable cdpath (see man csh).
The use of links does not conflict with TeamWare bringover and putback transactions. If a directory in a child workspace is a link, this directory is simply ignored by TeamWare. This can be verified by the following message displayed by the corresponding TeamWare commands:
bootlib/authenv is a link - no action performedThe same is true for bringoverx and putbackx.
Internal Information:
In general, this approach contains the risk of users accidentially checking out and modifying files in the shared workspace. To avoid this, the shared workspace must not have write permission for the group tycoon and others. This can be guaranteed by calling
tw-share-lockPermissions should be checked especially after a bringover from tycoon/tycoon to tycoon/public.
To avoid trouble during putback and bringover caused by links to shared libraries, a modified version of the file list program must be used, which ignores directories reached by a link in the child workspaces. In order to use the corresponding file list program
/usr/local/etc/tw-share.dir.flpthe environment variable
CODEMGR_DIR_FLPmust be set. This is currently done by
For the consistency check of the parent workspace a cron job is running on the dbis11 every night. The required scripts are
/local/dbis1/software/etc/consistent-tycoon /local/dbis1/software/etc/compile-tycoon /local/dbis1/software/etc/tycoon-commandA log file
/local/teamware/tycoon/tycoon/tycoon/compile-logis written. Because there is no sufficient check for errors this script should be checked manually in regular intervals.