Basic Research


Innovation is the lifeblood of industrial development and particularly so in the case of Information Technology. Technical innovation can only come about through investment in research and development (R&D). Basic research is an essential element in any R&D programme since it aims to generate the ideas and concepts and unleash the knowledge ultimately needed for technological innovation. On the European plane, ESPRIT Basic Research maintains its decisive role in providing the underlying knowledge and expertise vital to the creation of opportunities for breakthroughs in European technology.

The main objectives of ESPRIT Basic Research are to replenish the reservoir of new knowledge and expertise from which industrial research can draw to ensure tomorrow's innovation, and to secure the environment for training tomorrow's researchers through research itself. From the perspective of ESPRIT as a whole, Basic Research is an "upstream" activity, whose results feed into several of the more industrially oriented (downstream) sectors of the programme. Basic Research contributes to the building of a solid research infrastructure throughout Europe, which underpins a strategy to help European industries retain their competitivity in global markets.

Three distinct types of activity are sponsored by Basic Research: Projects, Working Groups and Networks of Excellence. These activities have different but complementary roles in fostering the growth of a research community in Europe. Projects involve collaborative teams (or consortia) to carry out and achieve results on a specific research topic. Working Groups aim at improving the systematic exchange of information between teams working in a common field, through travel, workshops and conferences. Networks of Excellence are groupings of research teams sharing common long-term technological goals that closely coordinate their research and training activities.

In 1993 an important stage in the evolution of ESPRIT was reached with the third and final call for proposals of the 3rd Framework Programme. The 1993-94 ESPRIT Basic Research workprogramme on which this call was based, focused on a small number of priority themes, either reinforcing areas already established at previous calls or addressing newly identified areas such as "multimedia", "virtual reality" and "ultimate miniaturisation". The priority themes were designed to meet the future challenges of industrial research and were decided through consultation with experts from academia and industry.

The response to the third call was very encouraging. The proposals included many top-ranking European research teams attracting a significant number of newcomers, particularly in the new priority themes, such as microsystems. This once more demonstrates the role of Basic Research as a bridge between academia and industry, since most of these newcomers would be likely to move into pre-competitive industrial projects. Some 250 proposals were received from the call and of these 27 projects, 15, working groups and 4 Networks of Excellence were accepted for funding after evaluation. A noteworthy fact is the increasing participation of industry, which has grown from levels established at previous calls to now stand at 13.5%. This steady growth reflects the relevance of the topics included within the focus of the call, and testifies to a successful track record in attracting industry to this part of the ESPRIT Programme.

The synopses provide information on all the activities being launched as a result of the third call. In addition, the synopses provide an opportunity to view the progress and evolution of activities selected in the 1991 call, which show good progress in achieving their objectives.

International Cooperation

Measures to encourage international cooperation on Information Technologies play an increasingly significant role to complement traditional ESPRIT activities. A number of joint activities have been launched in the recent past with the objective of setting up stronger R&D links between the EU and other nations so as to pave the way for more extensive cooperation in the future. Cooperation now spans all quarters of the globe from the major industrialised countries, central and Eastern European Countries, the former Soviet Union, to South America and beyond. A substantial number of these activities have direct links or complementary overlap with existing ESPRIT BR projects. Cooperation with the USA, for instance, has resulted in a number of activities being decided within an ESPRIT-NSF framework agreement, many of which have interests which are well matched to the aims of certain BR projects. In addition, some researchers involved in existing Projects, Working Groups and Networks of Excellence have extended the possiblity of cooperation to research teams based in the Central and Eastern European countries.

VLSI Design Training Action (EUROCHIP)

The purpose of EUROCHIP is to provide academic institutions with access to industrial training facilities so as to increase the number of trained VLSI engineers. The second phase of EUROCHIP is now well underway and involvement has been extended to include universities and polytechnics from the EU, EFTA and central and eastern Europe. At the end of the academic year 92/93 more than 10,000 students have been trained in VLSI skills. At present there is an initiative to try to combine EUROCHIP and other related activities (ROC, MEDCHIP, CHIPSHOP) together into one integrated strategy.

Networks of Excellence

Networks of Excellence aim at the achievement of definable technological goals by the coordination of the R&D, technology transfer, training and infrastructure activities for those members of the R&D community who subscribe to them. Networks of Excellence have now become well established since the early pilot schemes started in 1991 and there are now a total of 9 fully operational Networks, covering domains such as multimedia systems, organic materials for electronics, and multifunctional microsystems. From the latest Call four new Networks were recommended for funding, bringing the total number to 13. The latest to be set up cover computer vision, neural networks, high performance computing and computer integrated manufacturing.

The Future: FOURTH Framework Programme

The proposals put into effect as a result of the 1993 call bring the ESPRIT programme in its current form to a close. In the future, activities will be run under the specific IT programme of the Fourth Framework Programme. It is envisioned that basic research will be commissioned either as long term research projects, characterised by their potential to produce breakthroughs in the long term but with clear industrial implications; or advanced research projects involving a high but assessable technological risk whose success would have a direct impact on industrial competitiveness. Accompanying measures will include an expansion of the Networks of Excellence as a major contribution to available research infrastructure. The new approaches and orientations are designed to meet the priorities forseen for the 1990s whilst building on and consolidating the achievements of the ESPRIT programme.

The Priority Themes of the 1993 Call

Proposals were invited under seven priority themes aimed at key topics in industrial R&D from an upstream perspective: software best practice, high-performance computing and networking, image processing, multimedia, advanced microelectronic technologies, and microsystems. The proposals actually recommended for funding represent research which complements and underpins the mainstream R&D part of the ESPRIT programme, and reinforces those projects, working groups and networks of excellence launched at the previous 1991 call. As then, most projects recommended are highly interdisciplinary addressing problems with the potential to bring about significant advances in several industrial areas.

Theory and Models for the Design of Heterogeneous Systems

Advances in information technologies increasingly rely on research aimed at the integration of a large variety of components into heterogeneous and evolutionary systems. Work in this area is highly dependent on the quality of system specification, and the definition of the interface between elements of dissimilar nature; for example hardware/software components, discrete/continuous behaviours, multiparadigm, multilanguage software components, or multifunctional microsystems. This priority theme is therefore concerned with advanced theories and models for the design of such heterogeneous systems.

Basic Aspects of Multiple Computing Agents

Multiple and co-operative computing agents in Information Technology have many problems and approaches for eventual solutions in common. The growing interest in relevant, but different, research areas is advancing in two important directions: the trend towards resource distribution and down-sizing; and the development of new processing tools such as Massively Parallel machines or Neural networks. All of these show a wide range of potential applications. Complex problems have already been identified, eg resource sharing and allocation in distributed and parallel processing or routing techniques in networks.

Foundations of Visualisation and Multi-Modal Interfaces

The core areas of this theme are visualisation, graphics simulation, virtual reality (VR), and multimodel interfaces. Visualisation involves the creation of visual tools to assist with data interpretation, eg in analysing large and complex data sets. Graphics simulation develops models in order to generate realistic visual images such as in a flight simulator. Virtual reality (VR) deals with immersive environments that support real-time 3D interaction, enabling more direct input from and feedback to the user (eg surgery assistance via telepresence). Multimodal interfaces aim to enhance user interaction through gesture, lip movement, speech or animation.

Basic Approaches to Multimedia Data Representation

People are capable of capturing, storing, manipulating and actively using information of a variety of types (corresponding to the five senses) in a variety of ways. In order to be able to build the corresponding products, there is a need to develop theories and models of the way in which overtly intelligent multimedia systems should appear externally, and of their internal structure and organisation.During the early part of the next century the information revolution is expected to reach society at large on a massively exploitable industrial scale, requiring products which can interact with untrained users in a flexible, indeed, human-like way.

Ultimate Miniaturisation

Miniaturisation is vital to microelectronics and high-density information storage. In semiconductor and metal structures it has major implications for ultra-large scale integration. Single-electron effects at room temperature require critical dimensions below 10 nm, the effective limit of today's fabrication techniques. Reaching below this limit can be achieved either by direct manipulation of atoms and molecules using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and its variants, or by substantial improvements in lithographic methods that are based on e-beams, ion beams or X-rays. Useful spinoff effects such as quantum confinement can produce electronic and optoelectronic properties that can lead to substantial improvements for light emitting and detecting semiconductor devices.

Advanced Issues in Device Performance

This theme was concerned with the achievement of ultimate device performance, with regard to speed, reliability and storage density. Proposals were specifically invited in the areas of new materials for light emission and display, optically-assisted computing and single electron electronics.

New Concepts for Top-down Microsystem Design and the Simulation of Microsystem Performance

Microsystems are a miniaturised integration of sensors and actuators with information processing. They combine electronic, mechanical, optical and other functions to achieve high performance capabilities, including intelligence. Microsystems offer significant advantages compared to conventional solutions in terms of cost, low weight, energy consumption, reliability. Emerging microsystems technologies are expected to trigger a new cycle of innovation in markets such as telecommunications, environmental control and medical engineering.

The Synopses

The main section of this volume gives the synopses of all Basic Research Projects, Working Groups and Networks of Excellence. There are two parts, the first describing the research work that continues from the second call (numbers 6017 to 7401); and the second, research work from the third call (8010 to 9251). Synopses are in numerical order, list the partners involved and give contact point addresses. Indexes by number, acronym and keyword are also supplied.

Sven Mü├čig, (14-dec-94). Your feedback is welcome.