ESS '95 Jens Güthoff, 06/08/95

ESS '95

7th European Simulation Symposium

Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany on October 26-28, 1995

Organized and Sponsored by
Keynote Speakers
Scientific Program
Conference Program Chairmen
Finance Chairman and Conference - Coordination
Local Organizing Committee
European Simulation Office
International Program Committee
Important Information for Authors
Important Dates
Conference Information
About Erlangen

Organized and Sponsored by:
The Society for Computer Simulation International

Keynote Speakers:
A. Alan B. Pritsker, Ph.D.
Pritsker Corporation
President and CEO:
New Roles for Simulation in Industry

Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Fromm
IBM Deutschland Produktion GmbH:
Workflow Management and the Simulation of Business Processes

Scientific Program:
Simulation Methodology and Application
Coordination: Andras Javor, (H)

Computer and Telecommunications Networks
Coordination: Winfried Dulz (D)

Dependability Evaluation
Coordination: Graham Horton (GB)

Analytical and Numerical Modelling Techniques
Coordination: Hermann de Meer (NL)

Simulation in Automation
Coordination: Klaus Feldmann (D)

Simulation in Business
Coordination: Peter Mertens (D)

Coordination: Alfred Jones (USA)
Mission Earth is an Activity of the Society for Computer Simulation International. Its purpose is the identification and dissemination of the unique benefits of World Simulation as the prime tool for use in planning and monitoring a sustainable future for the World System.

Conference Chairmen:
Mario Dal Cin
Univ. of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department of Computer Science
Chair of Computer Architecture
Martensstraße 3
D-91058 Erlangen - Germany
Tel.: +(49) 9131 85 7003
Fax: +(49) 9131 85 7239

Ulrich Herzog
Univ. of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department of Computer Science
Chair of Computer Architecture and Performance Evaluation
Martensstraße 3
D-91058 Erlangen - Germany
Tel.: +(49) 9131 857041
Fax: +(49) 9131 857409

Conference Program Chairmen:
Gunter Bolch
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Department of Computer Science
Chair of Operating Systems
Martensstraße 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Ali Riza Kaylan
Bogazici University Istanbul
Department of Industry-Engineering
80815 Bebek
Tel.: +(90) 212 263 1540 / 2072
Fax: +(90) 212 2651800
E-mail: kaylan@trboun.bitnet

Finance Chairman and Conference - Coordination:
Rainer Rimane
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Department of Computer Science
Chair of Operating Systems
Martensstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Tel.: +(49) 9131 66247
Fax: +(49) 9131 66247

Local Organizing Committee:
Jörg Dittrich, Wolfgang Hohl, Walter Henning, Elke Stief, Roya Ulrich
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

European Simulation Office:
Philippe Geril
The Society for Computer Simulation International
European Simulation Office
University of Ghent
Coupure Links 653
B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Tel.: +(32) 9 2337790
Fax: +(32) 9 2234941

International Program Committee:
Amborski, K. (PL)
Balbo, G. (I)
Beilner, H. (D)
BoHuLi (Tj)
Boxma, O. (NL)
Breitenecker, F. (A)
Courtois, P.-J. (B)
Crosbie, R. (USA)
Eschenbacher, P. (D)
Forster, H. (D)
Giambiasi, N. (F)
Guasch, A. (E)
Hahn, W. (D)
Halin, J. (CH)
Hanschke, T. (D)
Haring, G. (A)
Houbak, N. (DK)
Huntsinger, R. (USA)
Iazeolla, I. (I)
Irmscher, K. (D)
Iyer, R. (USA)
Jones, A. (USA)
Kerckhoffs, E. (NL)
Kleijnen, J. (NL)
Krug, W. (D)
Kuehn, P. (D)
Lehmann, A. (D)
Lehmann, F. (D)
Lehnert, R. (D)
Marie, R. (F)
Meisinger, R. (D)
Meisen, P. (USA)
Merkuryev, Y. (LV)
Molnar, I. (H)
Mosekilde, E. (DK)
Ören, T. (CAN)
Pataricza, A. (H)
Schmidt, B. (D)
Strunz, H. (D)
Szczerbicka, H. (D)
Tanir, O. (CAN)
Tripathi, S. (USA)
Trivedi, K. (USA)
Tucci, S. (I)
van As, H. (CH)
Verbraeck, A. (NL)
Walke, B. (D)
Witte, Th. (D)
Wittmann, J. (D)
Zobel, R. (GB)

Important Information for Authors:
Extended abstracts (2-3 pages for full papers and 1 page for short papers typewritten without drawing and tables) are due to arrive in quadruplicate at the European Simulation Office June 30th, 1995.
Only original Papers, written in English, which have not previously been published elsewhere will be accepted. In case you want to organize a panel discussion, please contact the Program Chairmen.
Authors are expected to register early (at a reduced fee) and to attend the Conference at their own expense to present the accepted papers. If early registration and payment are not made, the paper will not be published in the Conference Proceedings. In the case of multiple authors, one author should be identified as the person who will act as the correspondent for the paper.
Abstracts will be reviewed by three members of the International Program Committee for full papers and one member for short papers. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by July 15, 1995.
An author kit with complete instructions for preparing a camera-ready copy for the Proceedings will be sent to authors of accepted abstracts. The camera-ready copy of the papers must be in by August 31, 1995. Only the full papers, which are expected to be five pages long, will be published in the Conference Proceedings. In order to guarantee a high-quality Conference, the full papers will be reviewed as well, to check whether the suggestions of the program committee have been incorporated. The nominees for the best paper awards will be selected as well.

Important Dates:
  • Submission Deadline: June 30, 1995
  • Acceptance Notification: July 15, 1995
  • Camera-ready Copies: August 31, 1995

  • Conference Information:
    The ESS series (organized by SCS, the Society for Computer Simulation International) is now in its seventh year. SCS is an International non-profit organization founded in 1952. On a yearly basis SCS organizes six Simulation Conferences worldwide, cooperates in two others, and publishes the monthly magazine "Simulation", a quarterly "Transactions", and books. Follow the link to get more information about the Society's conference schedule.

    An exhibition will be held in the area, where the participants are having coffee during the breaks. There will be a special exhibition section for universities and non-profit organizations, and a special section for publishers and commercial stands. If you would like to participate in the exhibition, please contact the European Office.

    About Erlangen:
    Erlangen has one of the largest computer science departments in Germany. It traditionally had strong research groups in the area of dependability and performance evaluation. It is situated near the medieval city of Nuremberg and the beautiful Franconian Forest. Erlangen is also the location of a large research and development facility of Siemens.
                         Authors          Members    Others
    Registration before  BF  16000        BF  16000  BF  18000
    August 31, 1995      ECU   400        ECU   400  ECU   450
    Registration after   Preregistration  BF  18000  BF  20000
    August 31,1995       required         ECU   450  ECU   500