A www gateway to the Zentralblatt

Version française

The ZB/w3 gateway gives access to the data of the CdRom(s) CompactMath, electronic version of the Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete to any http client with forms (lynx, mosaic, netscape, emacs... on pc, mac, Unix...).

Through menus and forms, the user set queries naturally and can modify the display of the answer set (output format, number of answers,...).
In the answer set, hypertext navigation on author names, classification codes and reviews citations (before others) permit a privilege access to the electronic form of the database.

Under strict access control (through IP numbers), it is ideal to give uniform access, inside of an institution, to computer-clients in the library, research people rooms, common rooms...

A free demo access, with answer set limited to 4 items for each query is available on the server of the Institut Fourier in Grenoble;

The electronic forum cmath-u welcome all discussion (criticism, tricks, suggestions,....) of every user.

Some hints on the gateway

Enjoy it !

The prototype of the Gateway has been built with the support of the Office for Libraries and for Scientific and Technical Information (Ministry of Higher Education and Research , Paris) and the Université J. Fourier, under the collaboration of Institut Fourier and the Centre de Calcul Interuniversitaire de Grenoble.
CompactMath : Copyright (c) 1995 by FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag.
[ZB/w3] : Copyright (c) 1995 DISTB, Paris & UJF, Grenoble.

Saint-Martin d'Hères, July 29, 1995.