COOPerator's issue-space

The discussion facility or issue-space is a subset of the shared workspace within which the group members can discuss all sorts of problems in a structured manner. In contrast with mail messages and annotations, the nodes that make up the issue-space are always accessible to all co-authors.

COOPerator's discussion tool is based on gIBIS which is described by Begeman and Conklin [1988]. gIBIS is a very comprehensive discussion environment. Within the context of a co-writing tool like The COOPerator such an elaborate instrument for debating would overshoot its mark. Therefore, COOPerator's discussion environment is a simplified derivative of gIBIS. The following figure, which was adapted from Meijer [1994], shows the structure of a discussion:

Figure: model for the issue-space

A group member can contribute to the discussion in three ways:

Between these contributions, four possible relationships exist:

Some problems may not be solved using the discussion facility. As examples of issues which may not be resolved through computer-mediated discussion, Meijer mentions urgent problems (which are, indeed, difficult to unravel in an asynchronous interaction environment) or emotional problems for which the computer is not the right means of communication. In any of these cases, the agenda may be used to plan a face-to-face group meeting.

Due to time constraints, the issue space has never been incorporated into the first prototype of COOPerator's client application.

Index TOC

Sjoerd Michels, Tilburg, The Netherlands