Kelue, Imgar

      Document    : B012A74926.4634/1
      Clearance   : ALPHA
      Last update : SD 070101
      Subject     : Kelue, Imgar                   Race               : Human
      Rank        : Lt jg / 2Lt                    Gender             : Male
      Function    : Marine Commanding Officer      Security Clearance : APHA-1
      Station     : Starbase Epsilon

061110 Graduation from Starfleet Academy.
061113 Finished training at Armstrong Lunar Base
061113 Stationed at the USS BISMARCK as Flight Control Officer
061220 Promotion to Lt jg
061220 Function changed to Marine Commanding Officer
070101 Transfer to Starbase Epsilon as Marine Commanding Officer

Imgar Kelue has spent most of his life on the planet Earth. His father and mother both served their active life in public service. The father was a security analyst, the mother a nurse.

Kelue was educated at a well-known university on the European continent. He mayored in information science, security analysis and military tactics. After graduation from university at the age of 18, he enlisted in starfleet and finished his education at the age of 23.

Physical Profile
The subject has never suffered from a serious disease. At the present time, there are no indications that his health will be a bottleneck for a successful carrier in Starfleet.

Psychological Profile
The subject has a structured mind. He needs to keep his business ordered in tight rules, this has its drawbacks in the fact that it will sometimes be difficult to improvise in certain situations. The subject stays composed under pressure, but he has never been in a life-threatening situation.

Last maintenance: april 3, 1995
Kees Leune / C.J.Leune@KUB.NL