Here is an example of an evaluation-time Safe-Tcl script: it is executed whenever the user views the message that contains this script.
From rutger Mon May 30 11:19:01 1994 Received: by (Smail3.1.28.1 #6) id m0q85Mz-0006T2C; Mon, 30 May 94 11:19 GMT Date: Mon, 30 May 94 11:19 GMT From: rutger MIME-Version: 1.0 To: frodo Subject: MIME op de KUB Message-ID: <406_127_770296739_1@arrakis> Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="PART.BOUNDARY.406.127.arrakis.770296739.1" Status: RO --PART.BOUNDARY.406.127.arrakis.770296739.1 Content-ID: <406_127_770296739_2@arrakis> Content-type: application/safe-tcl proc mime_lobby {} { set myname [SafeTcl_getconfigdata "username" "" \ "Your name, please: "] SafeTcl_sendmessage -to \ -subject "MIME at Tilburg University" \ -body [SafeTcl_makebody "text/plain" \ "I would like to ask your organization to extend the recent implemented electronic mail and news facilities with Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). Regards, $myname"] exit } if {[lsearch $SafeTcl_InterfaceStyle Tk3.*] >= 0} { set foo [mkwindow] message $foo.m -aspect 1000 \ -text "Click:" button $foo.b1 \ -text "Here if you want to be able to use MIME." \ -command {mime_lobby} button $foo.b2 \ -text "Here if you want to quit without taking any action." \ -command exit pack append $foo $foo.m {pady 20} \ $foo.b1 {pady 20} \ $foo.b2 {pady 20} } else { set ans1 [string index [SafeTcl_getline \ "Do you wish MIME (Yes/No)?" "Nee"] 0] if {$ans1 == "Y" || $ans1 == "y"} { mime_lobby } exit } --PART.BOUNDARY.406.127.arrakis.770296739.1--
Below you can find the result if this script is evaluated in an X windows system.