- Name:
Robert A. Meersman
- Education:
- M.Sc. in Mathematics, Antwerp University, 1969
- Ph. D. in Mathematics/Computer Science, Univ. of Carnegie-Mellon and Brussels, 1976
- Experience:
- Research Assistent, Brussels University, 1969-1975
- Research Assistent, Antwerp University, 1975-1978
- Research project leader, Control Data Corporation (Data Management Research Lab, Brussels), 1978-1983.
- Professor of Computer Science, Limburg University (Hasselt, Belgium), 1983-1986
- Part-time professor (Databases), Brussels University, 1980-present
- Professor of Computer Science, Tilburg University (Holland), 1986-present
- Associate Director of the Institute for Language Technology and Artificial Intelligence at Tilburg University.
- Chairman of IFIP WG2.6 on Databases.
- Chairman of IFIP TC12 on Artificial Intelligence.
- PCC member and Tilburg University project manager Esprit project 2001 SPRITE.
- Site leader Esprit BRA 3023 IS-CORE
- Prof. R.A. Meersman was a member of the research team that developed the conceptual modelling method NIAM and is responsible for the development of the (commercially available) NIAM-based CASE tool RIDL*.
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Egon Verharen / egon@kub.nl