Exceptional archeological discovery

Palaeolithic cave paintings in France (Ardèche)

An exceptional archaeological discovery was made public by the French Minister of Culture, Mr. Jacques TOUBON on 17 January.

A cave consisting of several very large galleries and decorated with about 200 Palaeolithic paintings and engravings (dating from 17,000 -20,000 years ago) representing a very original variety of animals : bears, owl, mammoths, rhinoceros, lions... was discovered in December 1994 at Vallon-Pont-d'Arc (Ard├Ęche, France).

Numerous traces of human activity have also been preserved : fireplaces, worked flint. Completely intact and free of any intrusion the cave provides an exceptional object of study for the archaeologists.

In view of the artistic and archaeological interest of this discovery on both national and international levels the Director of Heritage signed a classification order on 13 January. This urgent measure has the effect of classifying the cave as a historical monument for one year.

To ensure the preservation and safety of the cave the Prefect of the Ardèche also signed a decree on 13 January 1995 forbidding access to the cavern.

Paris 18 January 1995

For further details see:


Creation : 1995-02-22
Last update:

M. B.