UCI Computer Store Logo

UCI Computer Store

Welcome to the UCI Computer Store's World Wide Web site!

The UCI Computer Store is the University of California, Irvine's source for computers, software and service at educational and departmental prices. UCI faculty, staff and students are especially invited to browse our store and take advantage of our academic prices. Others are welcome to use this server as an information source.

This site uses HTML 3 tables as implemented in Netscape 1.1. All information is viewable, albeit not as beautifully, in other browsers. The site is under construction, and may go down periodically over the next few weeks.
Apple, Compaq, and Panasonic computers.
Printers from Apple and Hewlett Packard.
Word processing, graphics, spreadsheets, stats and more.
Apple Authorized Service.
Hours, location, policies, and our attempt at editorial perspective.
If anything here strikes your fancy, tell us!

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[Powered by Apple Workgroup Server]

jkcohen@uci.edu/ Last modified 5/10/95