CDS, Strasbourg

Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg


Also available: version française, versión española, deutsche Version, versione italiana.

SIMBAD now free of charge for European users.
The XSimbad interface version 1.1 is available.
Weaving the Astronomy Web Conference (6-7 April 1995)

The Strasbourg astronomical Data Center (CDS) is a data center dedicated to the collection and worldwide distribution of astronomical data and related information. It is located at the Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, France.

The CDS hosts the SIMBAD astronomical database, the world reference database for the identification of astronomical objects. The CDS also offers the following on-line services for access to data and documentations:

  • Catalogue and Table service.
  • A&A and A&AS Abstracts from Astronomy and Astrophysics main journal, and Supplement Series.
  • PASP Abstracts from Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
  • Yellow-page services:
  • The MediaTheque project.
  • TOPbase: The database of the OPACITY project.
  • Nomenclature of astronomical objects (IAU Commission 5).
  • New developments include the ALADIN project, the X Window version of SIMBAD, and the client/server routines for catalogue queries.

    A data center at the hub of international cooperation

    The CDS' goals are to:

    The CDS has signed international exchange agreements with

    The CDS plays, or has played, a part in most of the major astronomical space missions: generating guide star catalogues (EXOSAT, IRAS, Hipparcos, HST, ISO), helping to identify observed sources (Hipparcos, Tycho, ROSAT, SIGMA), or to organize data access to the archives (IUE), etc.

    The CDS is cooperating with ESA in the European Space Information System (ESIS) project, and with NASA in the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) project.

    Information about CDS services and the latest developments can be found in the six-monthly CDS Information Bulletin. The Bulletin also contains general papers about astronomical data, information methodology, other data centres' activities, etc.

    Organisation and personnel

    The CDS is a laboratory of the French INSU (Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers), a CNRS Institute.
    The Strasbourg Observatory is an institute of the Université Louis Pasteur.

    The CDS staff includes 10 researchers, 4 engineers, 3 technicians, and several temporary contractors and guest researchers.

    Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg
    Observatoire de Strasbourg
    11, rue de l'Université
    67000 STRASBOURG, France
    Tel: +33-88 35 82 16
    Fax: +33-88 25 01 60

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