Agricultural Centers & Field Stations


Ansel Adams: FIAT LUX

Note: All image dimensions given in inches.
Copyright 1967, 1978, 1990, 1994 by The Regents of the University of California. In keeping with the spirit of the Internet and WWW, these images are provided as an educational resource for personal non-commercial use.

[Image 56]
Range, Late Sun, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 13 1/4 x 9 1/2
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 57]
Covered Vegetables, Imperial Valley, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 9 3/4 x 7 3/4
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 58]
Fore-pond Spill, Lake Matthews, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 10 5/8 x 11 5/8
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 59]
Barley Field, Montezuma Hills, Near Fairfield, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 9 5/8 x 13 5/8
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 60]336Kb Ulaw Soundfile Hear Ansel Adams discuss this photo: [336Kb Ulaw Soundfile]
Palm Grove, Irrigation Near Palm Desert, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 10 x 13 1/4
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 61]
Mr. Benjamin Foster, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 8 3/4 x 7
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 62]
Picking Citrus Near Palm Desert (Foster Ranch), 1966
Gelatin silver print, 10 1/2 x 13 5/8
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 63]
High Voltage Transmission Lines, Cattle, Near Pittsburg, 1965
Gelatin silver print, 10 3/4 x 13 5/8
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 64]
LDS Citrus Orchard, Near Riverside, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 9 1/2 x 12 7/8
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

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[Image 65]215Kb Ulaw Soundfile Hear Ansel Adams discuss this photo: [215Kb Ulaw Soundfile]
Farm in the Rice Fields, Sacramento Valley, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 10 3/8 x 12 7/8
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 66] 
Sugar Beets, Spreckels, Salinas Valley, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 10 3/8 x 13 1/2
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 67]
Lettuce Picking Machine, Salinas Valley, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 7 5/8 x 9 5/8
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 68]
Irrigated Fields, Salinas Valley, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 13 1/2 x 10 1/2
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 69]
Harvesting Broccoli, Salinas Valley, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 10 1/4 x 13 1/2
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 70]217Kb Ulaw Soundfile Hear Ansel Adams discuss this photo: [217Kb Ulaw Soundfile]
Strawberry Fields, Plastic Fumigation Covers, Salinas Valley, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 10 3/4 x 13 3/4
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 71]
Paul Masson Vineyard at Soledad, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 9 1/2 x 13 1/8
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

[Image 72]
Cattle, North of Stoney Ford, 1966
Gelatin silver print, 9 3/8 x 13 1/2
Agricultural Centers & Field Stations

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