The four packages presented here represent the first generation of Space VLBI User Assistance Software. They have not yet been proven in practice and each of them have good points and weaknesses as well. Only FAKESAT and SVPIS will be ready to be released at the time of Announcement of Opportunity for RADIOASTRON and VSOP (early 1994). SPAS and ASTRON is still under development and expected release is in 1995. It is anticipated that new user requirements will appear near to, or following the launch of the space VLBI satellites, and also that some of the present assumptions will be out of date by that time. Therefore new versions have to be worked out. Although the future user assistance software packages will still be different in scope and capabilities, a convergence in common language and standards used is expected. The new packages may have interfaces to sophisticated space VLBI analysis software (e.g. CIT or AIPS++ ) but retain their simplicity and autonomous characteristics as well.
I.F. acknowledges the financial support of the Hungarian Space Office (Contract No. MEC 93-0054) and the Mobility Grant from the Council of European Communities which made possible his stay at the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands during part of this research. The excellent conditions and the hospitality at the NFRA are also acknowledged.
Murphy, D.W. et al. 1993: Space VLBI Simulations (This issue)
Table 1: Space VLBI User Assistance Software Packages - main characteristics
as of June 1993
Table 2: Standard parameter set used to produce the figures.