Weaving the Astronomy Web (WAW)

Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory (France) is organizing the conference `Weaving the Astronomy Web (WAW)' on 6-7 April 1995, i.e. just before the `Third International World-Wide Web Conference'.

This Conference will be a forum for astronomical data providers, webmasters, astronomers and space scientists interested in the current and future developments of the World-Wide Web, and more generally of electronic on-line information handling in an astronomy and space sciences context.

Here are some of the topics to be addressed during this two-day conference: - Basic astronomy servers, - Distributed information services, - On-line yellow-page services, - Meta-indices of astronomy resources, - Searching tools, - Library services, - Publishing on the Web, - Data policies.

Abstracts of proposed contributions should have been sent by electronic mail to waw@astro.u-strasbg.fr before January 15, 1995. An HTML version of the contributions will have to reach the same address before March 1st, 1995.

D. Egret & A. Heck

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