No. 82 - Vernal Equinox 1994

ISSN 0715-4747

                          Annual Meeting of the 
                       Canadian Astronomical Society


                               CongrŠs de la
                      Soci‚t‚ Canadienne d'Astronomie

			   May   24 - 28   Mai

       	  	      The Department of Astronomy
                    The University of Western Ontario
                           London, Ontario
                      Le D‚partement d'Astronomie
                     L'Universit‚ de Western Ontario
                           London, Ontario

             Important Dates

April 22 - Last Day for:-
          Registration at reduced rates
          Receipt of Abstracts:
          Guaranteed Residence Accommodation
May 24, Tuesday
          CASCA Board Meeting
          Workshop - Astronomy on the Internet
           by Dennis Crabtree
May 25, Wednesday
          Beals Lecture - Peter Martin
          Special Interest Meetings
May 26, Thursday
          Annual General Meeting
          Banquet - President's address:
          Canadian Radio Astronomy at the Cross-Roads
May 27, Friday
          Visit to Elginfield Observatory
May 28, Saturday 
          Plaskett Lecture
          Education Sessions 
	 Dates Importantes

22 Avril - Cloture pour:-
          Inscriptions … prix r‚duit
          remise de r‚sum‚s:
          R‚servations aux r‚sidences de l'universit‚
24 Mai, Mardi
          R‚union du conseil de la CASCA
          Invit‚ Sp‚cial - L'Astronomie et le Reseau Internet
           par Dennis Crabtree
25 Mai, Mercredi
          Expos‚ "Beals" - Peter Martin
          R‚unions d'int‚rˆts particulier
26 Mai, Jeudi
          Assemblee G‚n‚rale Annuelle
          Banquet - Adresse du
          pr‚sident: La radioastronomie
          canadienne … son heure de de‚cision
27 Mai, Vendredi
          Visite de l'observatoire d'Elginfield
28 Mai, Samedi
          Expos‚ "Prix Plaskett"
          L'enseignement de l'astronomie


Workshop on Adaptive Optics
     17 - 18 May, 1994, Quebec City (Robin Arsenault) (Francois Rigaut)

CASCA 1994
     25 - 28 May, 1994, University of Western Ontario
     Stars: From Their Surfaces to the Interstellar Medium. (John Landstreet)

184th AAS Meeting
     29 May - 2 June, 1994, Minneapolis, MN (T.W. Jones)

Radio Astronomy Workshop
     3 - 6 August, 1994, Penticton
     Radio Astronomy: Visions for the 21st Century (Lloyd Higgs)

IAU General Assembly
     15 - 17 August, 1994, The Hague, Netherlands

NRC/HIA Spectroscopy Conference
     25 - 28 September, 1994, Chantecler Hotel, Ste-AdŠle
     The Future of Spectroscopy: From Astronomy to Biology
     Mrs. Doris Ruest, Conference Manager, NRC, Ottawa
     (613)-993-9228 FAX:(613)-957-9828

The Origins, Evolution and Destinies of Binaries in
     19 - 23 June 1995, University of Calgary (Gene Milone)

A Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Users' Workshop

    Quebec City, Canada         May 17--18, 1994


     This workshop will focus on the SCIENCE
that can be done with the CFHT AO Bonnette.
The intent is to have very specific
presentations, emphasizing what can and should
be done with the CFHT system and its instrument pack. The following scientific
topics will be discussed:
               Planetary and Solar System studies
               Star Formation, Stars and Circumstellar Environments
               Interstellar Medium
               Galaxy Structure
               Extragalactic Astronomy & Cosmology
               Observing Modes
               Deconvolution and DATA Reduction
               Future Instrumentation for AO


     This workshop is organized and sponsored by the CFHT Scientific Advisory
Committee (SAC). The Scientific Organizing Committee is composed of:

     R. Arsenault (CFH)
     F. Rigaut (France & CFH)
     J. Bouvier (France, SAC member)
     R. Racine (Canada)
     R. McClure (Canada)
     M. Northcott (Univ. of Hawaii)
     G. Joncas (Local Organizer, Canada, SAC member)


               CFHT AO Bonnette Overview (F. Rigaut, R. Arsenault)
               The UH AO System (M. Northcott)
               Observing with COME-ON+ (J.-L. Beuzit)
               The OASIS Integral Field Spectrograph (R. Bacon)
               Photometry with Variable PSF (P. Stetson)
               Science Results with other AO Systems (P. Lena)
               Solar System Studies with AO (P. Drossart)
               Images and Science with the Refurbished HST (M. Shara)
               Young Stellar Object with AO (J. Bouvier)
               Globular Cluster Studies with AO (R. Racine)
               Galaxy Structure Studies with AO (G. Monnet)
               Active Galactic Nuclei Studies with AO (M. de Robertis)
               Extragalactic and Cosmology Studies with AO (S. Lilly)

     A round table will conclude the presentations, and (hopefully) stimulate
exchanges and discussions. The following astronomers will animate the session:

               J. Caldwell (Solar/Planetary Systems),
               H. Zinnecker (Star Formation),
               G. Walker (Stellar/Instrumental),
               D. Alloin (AGN)


              Robin Arsenault, or Francois Rigaut,
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, P.O. Box 1597, Kamuela, HI 96743
          Phone: (808) 885--7944, FAX: (808) 885--7288,


Information available on the Gemini 8-metre telescopes

The Gemini Project publishes a Newsletter three or four times a year. This describes progress in all areas of the telescope, and is highly readable. It is distributed in Canada by the Gemini Canada Project Office. If you are not on the distribution list and would like to be, please contact us.

There are two other useful items which will be available around May. The Gemini Board has commissioned its Chairman, Malcolm Longair, to prepare a "glossy" illustrated booklet describing the project and the partners. This will contain about 16 pages, and it will be non-technical in content. It will appear in English and French, as well as in Spanish and Portugese. Additionally, a number of technical papers describing all aspects of the Project were presented at the recent conference in Kona on "Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation for the 21st Century". These papers are available as a bound set. Please contact us if you would like either of these items.

Opportunity for participation in Gemini Instrumentation

Although the final Instrumentation Plan has yet to be approved by the Gemini Board, we expect that Canada will play a role in the construction of an imaging spectrograph, in addition to the Adaptive Optics system. We canvassed the Canadian astronomical community two years ago for expressions of interest in building Gemini instrumentation. Please let us know if you can contribute in any way to either of these projects.

Renseignements disponibles sur les t‚lescopes de 8m de Gemini

Le projet Gemini publie une circulaire trois ou quatre fois par an. Elle d‚crit les progrŠs accomplis sur toutes les facettes du t‚lescope et sa lecture est facilement accessible. Cette circulaire est distribu‚e au Canada par le bureau canadien du projet Gemini. Si vous n'ˆtes pas sur la liste des abonn‚s et voudriez le devenir, contactez-nous simplement.

Deux autres sources d'information seront accessibles vers le mois de mai. Le bureau de direction de Gemini a demand‚ … son pr‚sident, Malcolm Longair, de pr‚parer un livret illustr‚ sur papier glac‚ d‚crivant le projet et les partenaires. Le contenu de ce livret de seize pages environ sera non-technique. Il paraŒtra en anglais et fran‡ais, ainsi qu'en espagnol et portuguais. En plus de ce livret, un certain nombres d'articles techniques d‚crivant toutes les facettes du projet ont ‚t‚ r‚cemment pr‚sent‚s … la conf‚rence de Kona: "Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation for the 21st Century". Ces articles regroup‚s dans un fascicule sont disponibles. Si vous d‚sirez obtenir l'une ou l'autre de ces sources d'information, veuillez bien nous contacter.

Opportunit‚ de participation dans l'instrumentation de Gemini

Bien que le plan final d'instrumentation doive encore ˆtre approuv‚ par le bureau de direction, nous projetons que le Canada joue un role dans la construction d'un spectrographe imageur en plus du systŠme d'optique adaptative. Il y a deux ans, nous avons sond‚ la communaut‚ des astronomes canadiens pour connaŒtre leur int‚rˆts quant … la fabrication des instruments de Gemini. Seriez-vous assez aimable pour nous faire connaŒtre si vous pouvez contribuer en quoi que ce soit … l'un de ces projets.

1.   Chile, Argentina, and Brazil signed Memoranda of Understanding
     indicating their intention to join the project, thereby providing the
     final 10% of the required funding.

2.   A contract for polishing of the primary mirrors has been negotiated. The
     schedule for this contract is consistent with the overall schedule,
     which has first light on Mauna Kea in 1998 and on Cerro Pachon in 2000.

3.   The so-called prime site on Cerro Pachon has been chosen as the southern

4.   It is hoped that ground will be broken for one - and possibly both -
     telescopes during this calendar year.

5.   Richard Kurz assumed the position of Project Manager for the Gemini
     Project at the beginning of January.

CASCA Travel Grants for FSU Astronomers

Over the last few months, considerable dialog has taken place between the CASCA Committee for the Support of FSU Astronomy and the Soviet Astronomical Society (now known as the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society) regarding the proposed program of small travel grants to astronomers in the countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU). The CASCA proposal has been accepted and an official agreement will probably be signed in the next month or so. The terms of the agreement are essentially those outlined in the 1993 Autumnal Equinox issue of Cassiopeia. In anticipation that Revenue Canada will accept this as a charitable program, the initial agreement will be between Cascatrust and the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society. Our committee, now renamed to be the CASCA FSU Travel Grant Committee, will assist Cascatrust in the operation of this program, and an EAAS Advisory Committee will solicit applications for the travel grants in the FSU and make recommendations regarding recipients. This committee will consist of: Some thirty CASCA members responded to our appeal last year and contributed about $1850 to the fund. We plan to launch another appeal at the 1994 CASCA Meeting in London, with the target of raising the fund to somewhere in the $5000 to $8000 range. We, and our FSU colleagues, look forward to your support of this program.

Lloyd Higgs, Chair CASCA FSU Travel Grant Committee

CASCA's New Moscow Connection

The American Astronomical Society's Chretien International Research Grant is given each year to one or more individuals or groups in support of international collaboration in observational astronomy. The 1993 award of $22,000 US was granted to Dr. Denise C. Gabuzda of the University of Calgary for her proposal to conduct Very Long Baseline Interferometry research at the Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow for a period of 2-3 years. Moscow is the technical centre for the Radioastron Space VLBI project, which will obtain centimetre wavelength VLBI images of unprecendented high resolution (~50 æarcsecond) by observing with a VLBI array in which one of the radio telescopes is in orbit around the earth. Gabuzda will primarily be making and analyzing ground-based polarization-sensitive VLBI observations with the help of Russian students, but will also be doing work in preparation for the launch of the Radioastron satellite. She is planning on heading across the Atlantic at the end of April, and expects to make trips back to Canada once or twice each year during the course of her stay in Russia. While in Moscow, she will remain an employee of the University of Calgary, as a research associate working with Russ Taylor.

Gabuzda is enthuasiastic about the prospect of taking the still young field of polarization VLBI to Moscow. Russian astronomy has tended to be stronger in theoretical than in observational work, and she hopes to help decrease this imbalance by providing young Russian astronomers training in forefront observational techniques. In turn, she hopes that her VLBI research will benefit through interactions with theoretical colleagues at the Lebedev Institute. To Canadian colleagues at home, her 2-3 year stay in Moscow offers a potentially very useful means of keeping in touch with changing economic and political conditions in Russia, and with the atmosphere in which scientific research is being undertaken there. We plan to provide such information to the Canadian astronomical community via regular contributions to CASSIOPEIA from our new ``Moscow Correspondent''.

AWARDS.   Nick Kaiser - 1993 Herzberg Medal of the CAP.
          Peter Martin - 1994 Carlyle S. Beals Award of the CAS.
          Werner Israel - Officer of the Order of Canada.

COMPUTING.     A consortium of seven astrophysical theorists from across Canada
               has applied to NSERC for a major equipment grant to purchase a
               multiprocessor UNIX machine to be located in Toronto and
               managed by CITA's system manager. Shareholders (Dare we call
               them "The Group of Seven"? Ed.) would pay operating and
               maintenance from research grants. The machine is intended
               primarily as a number cruncher. If you are interested in joining
               this initiative as a participant either after a successful
               application or as part of an enlarged group re-applying, please

CONFERENCES/MEETINGS.    CITA is always receptive to requests for support for
	  meetings, symposia and
          workshops. CITA's program has neither the intent nor the resources
          to replace major sources of funding such as NSERC, NATO, IAU. The
          CITA support can typically be used for costs such as travel expenses
          for graduate students. The main objective is to promote interaction,
          collaboration, and exchange of scientific results within and between the
          Canadian astrophysics/astronomy community and its international
          CITA typically supports 3 - 4 meetings a year from a total budget of

Requests for support of meetings, applications for Reinhardt Fellowships and other
matters to be brought before the CITA Council should be submitted to Scott
Tremaine at CITA (


December 10, 1993 to March 11, 1994

If you have a preprint or other Canadian publication, we would like to include it in this list. Please send a copy (or a photocopy of the title page) to:

              Canadian Astronomy Publications List
                        Astronomy Library
                      University of Toronto
                            Room 1306
                      60 St. George Street
                        Toronto, Ontario
                             M5S 1A7


The following is a list of preprints written by Canadian astronomers and received at the Astronomy library within the dates given above. The preprints are arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first listed author. Originating institution and date of receipt at the library are given.

Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory National Research Council of Canada.
Annual Report 
     October 1993. DRAO. 3-Feb-1994
Abraham, R.G.; et al. The morphologies of distant galaxies: I. An automated
classification system. 
     DAO. 25-Jan-1994
Beauchamp, A.; Moffat, A.F.J.; Drissen, L. The galactic open cluster NGC 7419 and
its five red supergiants.Obs. Mont Megantic. 8-Feb-1994
Boeshaar, P.C.; Davidge, T.J. The spectroscopic properties of M dwarfs in the two
micron region. 
     DAO. 25-Jan-1994
Bond, J.R. CMB broad-band power spectrum estimation. CITA. 9-Mar-1994 
Bond, J.R.; Davis, R.L.; Steinhardt, P.J. How well can cosmological parameters be
estimated from CMB observations?CITA. 9-Mar-1994
Carlberg, R.G.; Yee, H.K.C.; Ellingson, E. Lensing from the light-traces-mass
map of MS1224+20. 
     DDO/U of T. 17-Feb-1994
Carlberg, R.G.; Pritchet, C.J.; Infante, L. A survey of faint galaxy pairs. DDO/U
of T. 2-Feb-1994
Cherepashchuk, A.M.; Moffat, A.F.J. Cygnus X-3 as a benchmark for fundamental
properties of Wolf-Rayet
     stars. Obs. Mont Megantic. 8-Feb-1994
Davidge, T.J.; Clark, C.C. Absorption line gradients in the blue and
near-ultraviolet spectra of bright elliptical
     galaxies, and implications for studies of intermediate redshift objects. DAO.
Doyon, R.; et al. Near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy of the bright IRAS galaxy
     Obs. Mont Megantic. 8-Feb-1994
Ellingson, E.; Yee, H.K.C.; et al. Metal-line absorption at Zabs ~ Zem from
associated galaxies. 
     DDO/U of T. 17-Feb-1994
Evans, N.R.; Udalski, A. Resolved companions of classical cepheids. ISTS York U.
Evans, N.R.; Lyons, R.W. The binary system containing the classical cepheid T
     ISTS York U. 2-Feb-1994
Garrison, R.F. A hierarchy of standards for the MK Process. DDO/U of T.
Gray, D.F. Stellar magnetic-cycle phasing. UWO. 9-Mar-1994
Gray, D.F.; Baliunas, S.L. The activity cycle of tau Ceti. UWO. 17-Dec-1993
Grossman, S.A.; Nowak, M.A. The statistics of gamma-ray burst lensing. CITA.
Grossman, S.A.; Saha, P. Arc statistics and constraints on cluster lenses. CITA.
Higgs, L.A.; Wendker, H.J.; Landecker, T.L. G79.29+0.46: a young stellar wind
shell in Cygnus X. 
     DRAO. 3-Feb-1994
Irwin, J.A. Arcs and bridges in the interacting galaxies, NGC 5775/NGC5774.
Queen's. 4-Feb-1994
Ivison, R.J.; Seaquist, E.R.; Hall, P.J. Discovery of OH and H2O masers in R
Aquarii and H1-36 Arae. 
     DDO/U of T. 24-Feb-1994
Ivison, R.J.; Seaquist, E.R. The latest spectral peregrinations of RX Puppis.
DDO/U of T. 18-Jan-1994
Kamper, K.W.; Bagnuolo, W.G.; Chew, S. Passive interspectroscopy II:
observational tests. 
     DDO/U of T. 11-Mar-1994
Kim, K.-T.; et al. Radio observations of the Coma cluster of galaxies and its
immediate vicinity: I. Radio data
     and optical identifications. DRAO. 24-Feb-1994
Kim, K.-T. Radio observations of the Coma cluster of galaxies and its immediate
vicinity: II. A master list of
     radio sources. DRAO. 24-Feb-1994
Kim, K.-T.; et al. Radio observations of the Coma cluster of galaxies and its
immediate vicinity: III. Statistical
     analyses and source counts. DRAO. 24-Feb-1994
Li, J.G.; Seaquist, E.R. Neutral hydrogen distribution in the NGC 7465 group of
     DDO/U of T. 18-Feb-1994
Moriarty-Schieven, G.H.; et al. Circum-protostellar environments II. Envelopes,
activity, and evolution. 
     DRAO. 2-Mar-1994
Morris, S.L.; van den Bergh, S. Lyman alpha absorption and tidal debris. DAO.
Murakami, I.; Ikeuchi, S. Evolution of Lyman alpha clouds at low redshifts. CITA.
Nadeau, D.; et al. The Montreal near-infrared camera. Obs. Mont Megantic.
Nowak, M.A.; Grossman, S.A. Can we identify lensed gamma ray bursts? CITA.
Rice, J.B.; Wehlau, W.H. Doppler imaging of the Ap star 17 Comae Berenices.
Brandon U. 1-Mar-1994
Seaquist, E.R.; Ivison, R.J. A search for symbiotic behaviour amongst OH/IR
colour mimics. 
     DDO/U of T. 24-Feb-1994
Seaquist, E.R.; Kerton, C.R.; Bell, M.B. Millimeter recombination lines and the
state of ionized gas in M82. 
     DDO/U of T. 2-Feb-1994
Smecker-Hane, T.A.; Stetson, P.B.; Hesser, J.E. The stellar populations of the
Carina dwarf spheroidal
     galaxy: a new color-magnitude diagram for the giant and horizontal branches.
DAO. 25-Jan-1994
Starkman, G.D.; Kaiser, N.; Malaney, R.A. Mixed dark matter from neutrino
lasing. CITA. 12-Jan-1994
Stetson, P.B. The center of the core-cusp globular cluster M15: CFHT and HST
     DAO. 25-Jan-1994
Stetson, P.B. DAOPHOT reductions of the simulated cluster field. DAO. 25-Jan-1994
Stetson, P.B. Reduction of WFC images with DAOPHOT III. DAO. 25-Jan-1994
Tapping, K.F.; Harvey, K.L. Slowly-varying microwave emissions from the solar
corona. DRAO. 2-Mar-1994
van den Bergh, S. The evolutionary history of low-luminosity local group dwarf
galaxies. DAO. 25-Jan-1994
van den Bergh, S. The outer fringes of the local group. DAO. 25-Jan-1994
Walker, G.A.H.; et al. Direct imaging of faint stellar companions. Obs. Mont
Megantic. 8-Feb-1994
Wallace, B.J.; Landecker, T.L.; Taylor, A.R. HI voids around filled-center
supernova remnants. 
     DRAO. 2-Mar-1994


President      L. Higgs, D.R.A.O.  
First Vice-PresidentW. Harris, McMaster University
Second Vice-PresidentJ-R Roy, Universit‚ Laval
Secretary      A. Gulliver, Brandon
Treasurer      C. Clement, U. of Toronto
Directors      C. Carignan, Universit‚ de Montr‚
               H. Richer, U. of British
               S. Rucinski, ISTS-SAL York U.
Past President      S. van den Bergh, D.A.O. 


Awards              W.H. Wehlau, U.W.O.
Education      R. Bochonko, U. of Manitoba
Electromagnetic Pollution
& Space Debris      G. Hill, D.A.O.
Heritage            R. Jarrell, York U. 
Optical & Infrared 
Astronomy      D. Welch, McMaster U.
Radio Astronomy     R. Taylor, U. of Calgary
Space Astronomy     D. Leahy, U. of Calgary
Theoretical Astrophysics M. Marlborough, U.W.O
1994 Nominating     S. van den Bergh, D.A.O.

                         Editor:   Jack Penfold
                         Telephone: 403-240-6029
                         FAX: 403-240-6664

           E-MAIL: JUNE 21               OTHER: JUN 14

CASSIOPEIA                                        ADDRESS CHANGES
Canadian Astronomical Society                 Dr. Austin Gulliver
Soci‚t‚ Canadienne d'Astronomie                   CASCA Secretary
c/o Dept. of Mathematics, Physics & EngineeringDept. of Physics & Astronomy
Mount Royal College                            Brandon University
4825 Richard Rd. S.W.                           Brandon, Manitoba
Calgary, Alberta                                          R7A 6A9
T3E 6K6

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Please e-mail any suggestions/comments to Jack Penfold (