Canadian Astronomy Publications List Astronomy Library University of Toronto Room 1306 60 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A7
Bastien, P.; Asselin, L.; Menard, F. The circumstellar environment of two HAEBE stars. Obs. Mont Megantic. 2-May-1994 Bernardeau, F.; Kofman, L. Properties of the cosmological density distribution function. CITA. 7-Apr-1994 Bernardeau, F. The effects of smoothing on the statistical properties of large-scale cosmic fields. CITA. 24-Mar-1994 Bernardeau, F.; et al. Omega from the skewness of the cosmic velocity divergence. CITA. 12-May-1994 Borra, E.F. Are BL Lacertae objects beamed QSO remnants? Obs. Mont Megantic. 30- May-1994 Buonanno, R.; Pecci, F.F.; Fahlman, G.G.; Richer, H.B. Two young galactic globular clusters: Terzan 7 and Arp 2. UBC. 14-Apr-1994 Chaboyer, B. The primordial abundance of 6Li and 9Be. CITA. 9-Jun-1994 Chaboyer, B.; Demarque, P. 7Li abundances in halo stars: testing stellar evolution models and the primordial 7Li abundance. CITA. 21-Apr-1994 Coiol, R.; Demers, S.; Barneoud, R.; Pena, M. The Montreal blue galaxy survey II. Second list of UV-bright candidates. Obs. Mont Megantic. 2-May-1994 Curry, C.; Pudritz, R.E.; Sutherland, P.G. On the global stability of magnetized accretion disks: axisymmetric modes. McMaster U. 19-Apr-1994 Davidge, T.J.; Simons, D.A. Deep infrared array photometry of globular clusters. II. M71. DAO. 3-May-1994 Deliyannis, C.P.; Malaney, R.A. Flare production of 6Li in population II stars. CITA. 3-Jun-1994 Evans, N.R.; Massa, D.; Teays, T.J. S Mus B revisited. ISTS York U. 14-Apr-1994 Fahlman, G.; et al. Dark matter in ms1224 from distortion of background galaxies. CITA. 24-May-1994 Frail, D.A.; Beasley, A.J. Stellar OH masers toward globular clusters. NRAO. 31- May-1994 Freedman, W.L. The local group as a stepping stone to the universe. Obs. Carnegie Inst. 27-May-1994 Gabuzda, D.C.; et al. Unusual evolution in the VLBI structure of 0735+178. U Calgary. 18-May-1994 Gabuzda, D.C.; et al. Evolution of the milliarcsecond total intensity and polarization structures of BL Lacertae objects. U Calgary. 18-May-1994 Glaspey, J.W.; Pritchet, C.J.; Stetson, P.B. Lithium in high velocity A and F stars: constraints on the blue straggler phenomenon. CFHT. 13-May-1994 Hutchings, J.B.; et al. HST imaging of QSOs with WFPC2. DAO. 3-May-1994 Hutchings, J.B.; Morris, S.C.; Gower, A.C.; Lister, M.L. Correlated optical and radio structure in the QSO 1302-102. DAO. 3-May-1994 Keogh, W.G.; Martin, P.G. Molecular trajectory calculations on a network of workstations using PVM. CITA. 24-May-1994 Kim, S.-H.; Martin, P.G. The size distribution of interstellar dust particles as determined from polarization: infinite cylinders. CITA. 29-Mar-1994 Kofman, L.; Pogosyan, D. Equations of gravitational instability are non-local. CITA. 24-Mar-1994 Langill, P.P.; Kwok, S.; Hrivnak, B.J. High resolution optical imaging of the 'frosty Leo nebula' U Calgary. 20-May-1994 Malaney, R.A.; Starkman, G.D.; Tremaine, S. Time delays of supernova neutrinos from new long-range interactions. CITA. 21-Jun-1994 Meurer, G.R.; Mackie, G.; Carignan, C. Optical observations of NGC 2915: a nearby blue compact dwarf galaxy. Obs. Mont Megantic. 2-May-1994 Murray, N.; Grossman, S.A.; Chiang, J. Accretion disk winds from active galactic nuclei. CITA. 21-Jun-1994 Piatek, S.; et al. Mass-to-light ratios for globular clusters. III. M107 (NGC 6171; GC 1629-129) DAO. 3-May-1994 Piche, F.; Vrba, F.J.; Luginbuhl, C.B. An optical-infrared color-color diagram for finding young stars with infrared excess. U Rochester. 9-Jun-1994 Pineault, S.; Landry, S. Impact of small bodies on the discs around compact objects - I.Impact statistics. Obs. Mont Megantic. 2-May-1994 Pritchet, C.J.; van den Bergh, S. Faint surface photometry of the halo of M31. DAO. 3-May-1994 Saha, P.; Tremaine, S. Long-term planetary integration with individual time steps. CITA. 29-Mar-1994 Stockton, A.; Ridgway, S.E.; Lilly, S. Continuum and line emission in Cygnus A. U Hawaii. 11-May-1994 Syer, D. Relativistic dynamical friction in the weak scattering limit. CITA. 30-May-1994 Syer, D. Implications of neutrino balls as the source of gamma-ray bursts. CITA. 30-May-1994 Vader, J.P.; Chaboyer, B. The RSA survey of dwarf galaxies I. Optical photometry. CITA. 21-Jun-1994 Wehlau, A.; Froelich, N. The variables of M14. UWO. 18-Mar-1994
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