Radio Astronomy: Visions for the 21st Century

A workshop sponsored bythe National Research Council of Canada

August 3-6, 1994

Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory

Penticton, British Columbia

Invited Speakers to date:

Alain Baudry, Observatoire de Bordeaux
Francois Boulanger, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatial (Paris)
Robert Braun, Netherlands Foundation for Radio Astronomy
Harvey Butcher, Netherlands Foundation for Radio Astronomy
Walter Duley, University of Waterloo
Denise Gabuzda, University of Calgary and Astro-Space Center (Moscow) 
Stephane Guilloteau, Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimetrique (Grenoble) 
Carl Heiles, University of California (Berkeley)
Richard Hills, Cambridge University
Ishiguro Masato, National Astronomy Observatory (Japan)
Judith Irwin, Queen's University (Kingston)
Richard Jarrel, York University
David Naylor, University of Lethbridge
Richard Perley, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Monique Pick, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
Luis Rodriguez, Instituto de Astronomia (Mexico City)
Chris Rogers, Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory
Nicolas Scoville, California Institute of Technology
Ernest Seaquist, University of Toronto
Francois Viallefond, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon

Contributed Oral and Poster Papers

Ten minute oral or poster presentations in any area of radio astronomy, radio instrumentation, or related research are welcome. Oral contributions in particular should consider how your research could benefit from a future new instrument and what future instrumental capabilities are needed. Since it is especially important not to cramp the time available for open discussion, we will have to limit the number of oral presentations accordingly, probably to 2 per day.

       Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Day 4
     Wed, Aug 3     Thu, Aug 4     Fri, Aug 5     Sat, Aug 6

Introductory Address, 

   Galaxies         Cosmology    ISM (Chemistry)  Solar & Planetary

 Viallefond(FR)       TBD          Duley(CAN)        Pick(FR)
  Irwin(CAN)          TBD            TBD            Naylor(CAN)
  Cont Papers      Cont Papers     Cont Papers      Cont Papers
    COFFEE           COFFEE         COFFEE            COFFEE
    Panel            Panel          Panel             Panel
  Discussion       Discussion     Discussion        Discussion

    LUNCH	     LUNCH	     LUNCH	     LUNCH

     AGN's      ISM - Structure &   Stellar	   International
		   Dynamics	  Astrophysics	   Prospects for

  Scoville(US)    Heiles(US)     Rodriguez(MEX)   Ishiguro(JAP)
  Gabuzda(CAN)    Rogers(CAN)     Seaquist(CAN)  Braun/Butcher(NL)
   Baudry(FR)    Boulanger(FR)   Guilloteau(FR)    Perley(US)
  Cont Papers     Cont Papers      Cont Papers     Cont Papers
    COFFEE         COFFEE           COFFEE          COFFEE
    PANEL          PANEL            PANEL           TALKS
						  Others TBD

				     DRAO Tour   Conference End

 Poster Papers   Poster Papers   Poster Papers      Poster Papers
   All Day        All Day 	    All Day           All Day

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Please e-mail any suggestions/comments to Jack Penfold (