To: Dr. L.A. Higgs March 27, 1994 From: Dr. N.G. Bochkarev Dear Dr. Higgs, Here are enclosed short information sheets about our Society and examples of our printing production, a copy of our refereed journal in English and the first issue of a new popular magazine. Could you help us to:- increase subscriptions for Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions (in English) and to advertise the magazine "Universe and Ourselves" (in Russian) to find subscribers and/or translation and publication in English (sic. I think they might want translators & publishers for the Journals, Ed.) Astronomers are welcome to contribute to our publications. I send also a copy of an application form to our Society and hope that a few Canadian astronomers will join our Society and help our activities by at least payment of annual fees ($30 US). Yours sincerely, Nikolai G. Bochkarev P.S. I invite you and all Canadian astronomers to participate in our future scientific meetings.The appplication form is reproduced here. Members can also obtain more information about the EAAS and its publications from lah@drao.nrc.cai.
Dear Dr. Bochkarev: I would like to join the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society. I understand that the following information is required in order to be considered for membership. Name: Year Born: Title: Institute: Department: Address: Telex: Telephone: FAX: e-mail: Number of Professional Astronomical Publications: References on any three publications during last 10 years. (Attach separate sheets as necessary.) Signature Date
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