(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
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The Friedrich-Miescher-Laboratory
Spemannstr. 37, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
Phone: +49-7071-601 460 FAX: +49-7071-601 455
The Friedrich-Miescher-Laboratory (FML) is a Research Institut of the Max-Planck-Society and named after Friedrich Miescher, a famous Swiss Biologist who discovered the DNA here in Tübingen. The Building of the FML is the home of four
young biological research groups, working on different fields of biology.
Martin Bähler's group
Christian Lehner's group
Ralph Rupp's group
About the Friedrich-Miescher-Laboratory
Other Research Institutions at Tuebingen
Document last modified 5. June 1995
Tilmann Brotz , brotz@sunwan.mpik-