(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
Horst Lührsen
Workflow Management
Workflow management deals with the specification and execution of business
processes. Business process reengineering is often used synonymously to the
specification of workflows. Workflow management systems execute business
General workflow specifications include the actions to be performed,
statements on control and data flow among these actions,
agents allowed to execute actions,
and policies that describe the organizational enviroment.
New formal languages are required to capture all facets of business processes.
Graphical user interfaces may alleviate the specification work.
Typical workflows are executed in distributed computing environments like in
huge enterprises. Therefore, workflow management systems must be able to deal
with distribution and heterogeneity. An implementation on top of advanced
system services that support distributed computing like DCE or the CORBA
object request broker is on the leading edge of workflow management technology.
Due to modifications in the enterprise, e.g. new business processes, new
departments, etc., workflow management systems have to be scalable in order
to satisfy the new requirements. Thefore, transparency is of paramount
importance for workflow management.
More information
A Client/Server Architecture for Distributed Workflow Management
This paper describes an object-based architecture of the ABS workflow
management system.
Workflow-Management in verteilten Systemen
This Ph.D dissertation describes the application of workflow management
techniques in an environment based on the division of labour.
Ereignisorientierte Spezifikation und Ausführung von (transaktionalen)
This paper describes specification techniques for processes and their
Ablaufsteuerung in CIM-Systemen
This paper is a case study of intertwined business processes in a
Swiss enterprise and describes an early architecture of the ActMan workflow
management system.
Hans Schuster