(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
- Accounting (3)
- Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Class Coursework Server
- Canadian Academy of Private Investigation
- Careers Guidance and Counselling - Information on courses at UNN in Careers Guidance and Careers Counselling. Plus a guide to employment and training as a careers adviser and links to other sites relevant to careers advisory work.
- Communications for Tomorrow - Internet interface for the York University third year Social Science 3310 course "Communications for Tomorrow"
- Computer Science (17)
- Computing Maths Lecture Notes (cardiff)
- Dakota State University - Internet Courses
- DC100: Data Communications ( - This courseware introduces you to the subject of Data Communications. There are THIRTEEN main module/topic areas.
- Dramatherapy - Validated by Worcester College, this one year, certificate course is spread over 6 weekends and a summer school.
- Dublin City University - Database Courseware
- Economic, Social, and Legal Environment - an applied microeconomics class at the Vanderbilt Business School covering antitrust, regulation, and the law. Readings, Lecture notes, and assignments.
- Emporia State University Continuing Education
- ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication - Offers products and services for parents, teachers, students, and others interested in such language arts topics as reading, writing, grammar, spelling, speech, journalism, family literature, and online distance education.
- Ethics & Public Policy - Stanford STS110
- Ethics and Law on the Electronic Frontier
- Ethics: Computer Technology and Human Values - Explores the ethical issues involved in computer use and in cyber-communities. For neophytes as well as experienced computer users.
- Freshman Composition by E-mail
- Golden City Professional Studies - Study at home to become an Enrolled Agent. Become a certified Tax Preparer.
- History@ (5)
- How To Let Earth Teach - free E-mail course enables you to master thoughtful nature reconnecting activities that dissolve stress by satisfying our deepest natural loves wants and spirit.
- Human-Computer Interaction Seminar Stanford CS 547
- Humanities 303 Course Materials - Study guides for several 18th and 19th century European classics
- Hyperliterature/Hypertheory graduate class at Virginia Tech
- Informational Society, Economics 361N (The University of Texas at Austin) - Notes and course materials for the design of a utopian society in 2050 based on the advances in info technology and automation.
- John Kirkman Communication Consultancy - Courses and workshops to improve your writing and editing skills held in the Hilton National Hotel Bath UK in September 1995
- Logic and Automated Reasoning - Stanford CS 157
- Magazine Copy Editing
- Management Information Systems - Development of Computers in Business. From the fundamentals of Info through to the rapid development of Groupware systems. It also incorporates TQM, Expert Systems
- Mgt 322 - Economics of the Firm [] - MBA core microeconomics course at the Owen Graduate School of Management. Includes assignments, lecture notes, and problem sets.
- National Test Files Archive - got some on-line exams.
- P103 General Psychology - introductory undergraduate Psychology course is taught entirely on-line using the WWW and e-mail.
- Past Exams from Carleton Student Engineering Society
- Physics (2)
- Psychology 102, Summer 1, 1994 - University of Indiana
- Public Speaking on the INTERNET
- Strategic Information Systems Management - Trinity College, University of Dublin, 51s1.
- Taxonomy of Flowering Plants (BOTN 201) - Texas A&M
- Telecommunications@ (2)
- The Biophysical Chemistry Virtual Classroom
- The Text Project - generate hypertext textbooks to teach various subjects over the network.
- Travel Career Academy - Provides career courses in Basic Travel Agent Skills, Computer Reservation Systems, Travel Agency Accounting (TRAMS)
- Tropical Field Ecology - College level course that explores the coral reefs that surrond San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Credit offered through Emporia State University.
- UCSC - JR International - on-line courses for software development.
- University of Colorado Boulder - Informatiion Systems Design (INFS 4130)
- University of Illinois - Classes on the Web
- Weekly Spanish Lessons by Tyler Jones@ (3)
- Index - World Lecture Hall - Contains pointers to lots of on-line course information. Some is just syllabus type stuff, others have complete course material.
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