Publications and Courseware
Among the over 100 publications based on Mathematica, many textbooks and
journals have been written about Mathematica for its use in education. For
example, Mathematica in Education, a quarterly journal published and available by TELOS/Springer-Verlag, is a forum for educators who work in
Mathematica to share experiences, research, and ideas.
Available through Wolfram Research are demonstration disks and examples of existing high school courseware that teachers have already developed so you can implement Mathematica in your classroom immediately.
Electronic Bulletin Board for High Schools Supports Teachers Using Mathematica
The Mathematica High School Bulletin Board was started by an enthusiastic
group of high school teachers to provide a resource for colleagues who use
Mathematica in the classroom but do not have access to the Internet.
Instructors post and download Mathematica instructional notebooks for
lessons containing ready-to-use algebra, precalculus, calculus, physics,
programming, and more. Maintained by Elk Grove High School in Illinois, the
High School Bulletin Board is accessible by modem at 1-708-956-5344.
MathSource Provides Easy Access to Mathematica Notebooks for Education
MathSource is an electronic resource that contains an extensive collection
of Mathematica packages, notebooks, and examples. Using the convenient
search tool in MathSource, you can find tools, solutions, and ideas to help
apply Mathematica to your work in the classroom. For example, teachers can
easily access sample courseware and related materials for algebra,
calculus, and more. Contributed by Wolfram Research staff members and
Mathematica users worldwide, materials on MathSource can be accessed free
of charge through electronic mail, anonymous FTP, Gopher, World Wide Web,
and direct dialup. The entire MathSource collection is also available on