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Network Peripherals NP-MCA/S

Network Peripherals NP-MCA/S

This is the Network Peripherals NP-MCA/S Network Adapter card shown. The manual and the README.1ST file on the installation diskette contain information about installing this adapter in your system. Run NPINST to determine the available Hardware Interrupts (IRQs) in the system. IRQs can be set by using the Reference Diskette that came with your MicroChannel Computer.

Setup Choice for Windows NT 3.5

Note1: - When running the system configuration utility it will report "...@0069.ADF file not
         found...", select the "filecopy" option to copy the configuration file onto your 
         utility disk. The program will ask for the "New adapter disk". At this prompt insert
         the Network Peripherals distribution disk.

Note2: - The Port Type should be 'S' for the SAS Single Attach Station on this adapter.

Cabling for this Adapter

	FDDI Connector

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