-Is the device plugged in and powered on? -Are the CD-ROM and the Adapter on the HCL. -Is it a SCSI CD-ROM or do you have a Windows NT driver for your non-SCSI CD-ROM? -Is the Media clean and not scratched? -Check cables. -Double-check for conflicting scsi id's2) If setup can not see the CD.
-Is the adapter found during the device scan? (If not check for I/O port, SCSI ID, IRQ, memory -If you have multiple CD's on the system make sure that the media is in the lowest device number. -Is the media inserted correctly (ie. not upside down) -Is the cabling correct?3) Setup can not copy files.
-Check for loose cables. -Is the destination device full? -Is there all ready a file by the same name that may be READ/ONLY? -Run CHKDSK /F on the destination device. -If on a SCSI BUS, Check Termination, termination power, and device ID's.4) If you all of a sudden see 6 extra drives in the Windows NT file manager (that you really don't have)
-Double check the SCSI id's. You likely have two devices using the same id.