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EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet - Agriculture

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PENPages, run by Pennsylvania State University's College of Agricultural Sciences, provides weekly world weather and crop reports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These reports detail everything from the effect of the weather on palm trees in Malaysia to the state of the Ukrainian wheat crop. Reports from Pennsylvania country extension officers offer tips for improving farm life. One database lists Pennsylvania hay distributors by county -- and rates the quality of their hay!

The service lets you search for information two different ways. A menu system gives you quick access to reports that change frequently, such as the weekly crop/weather reports. An index system lets you search through several thousand online documents by keyword. At the main menu, you can either browse through an online manual or choose "PENPages," which puts you into the agriculture system.

Telnet: psupen.psu.edu
User name: Your 2-letter state code or WORLD

California State University's Advanced Technology Information Network provides similar information as PENPages, only focusing on California crops. It also maintains lists of upcoming California trade shows and carries updates on biotechnology.

Telnet: caticsuf.cati.csufresno.edu
Log in: public

You will then be asked to register and will be given a user name and password. Hit `a' at the main menu for agricultural information. Hit `d' to call up a menu that includes a biweekly biotechnology report.

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