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EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet - nn Commands

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nn Commands

To mark a specific article for reading, type the letter next to it (in lower case). To mark a specific article and all of its responses, type the letter and an asterisk, for example:


To un-select an article, type the letter next to it (again, in lower case).

Cancels an article (around the world) that you wrote. Every article posted on Usenet has a unique ID number. Hitting a capital `C' sends out a new message that tells host systems that receive it to find earlier message and delete it.

To post a public response, or follow-up. If selected while still on a newsgroup "page", asks you which article to follow up. If selected while in a specific article, will follow up that article. In either case, you'll be asked if you want to include the original article in yours. Caution: puts you in whatever text editor is your default.

Goes to the next subscribed newsgroup with unread articles.

Goes to the previous subscribed newsgroup with unread articles.

G news.group
Goes to a specific newsgroup. Can be used to subscribe to new newsgroups. Hitting `G' brings up a sub-menu:

Goes to the group and shows only un-read articles.

Goes to the group and shows all articles, even ones you've already read.

Will show you only articles with a specific subject.

Will show you only articles from a specific person.

  • M Mails a copy of the current article to somebody. You'll be asked for the recipient's e-mail address and whether you want to add any comments to the article before sending it off. As with `F', puts you in the default editor.

  • :post Post an article. You'll be asked for the name of the group.

  • Q Quit, or exit, nn.

  • U Un-subscribe from the current newsgroup.

  • R Responds to an article via e-mail.

  • space Hitting the space bar brings up the next page of articles.

  • X If you have selected articles, this will show them to you and then take you to the next subscribed newsgroup with unread articles. If you don't have any selected articles, it marks all articles as read and takes you to the next unread subscribed newsgroup.

  • =word Finds and marks all articles in the newsgroup with a specific word in the "Subject:" line, for example: `=modem'

  • Z Shows you selected articles immediately and then returns you to the current newsgroup.

  • ? Brings up a help screen.

  • < Goes to the previous page in the newsgroup.

  • > Goes to the next page in the newsgroup.

  • $ Goes to the last page in an article.

  • ^ Goes to the first page in an article.
  • Go to the previous, next section.