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EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet - EFF on Internet and USENET

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Internet and USENET

General information requests, including requests to be added to the EFFector Online mailing list, can be sent to <eff@eff.org>. Other Internet contact addresses are as follows:

Membership & donations.

Legal services.

Hardcopy publications.

Online publications, conferences, & other resources.

General EFF, legal, or policy questions.

If you receive any USENET newsgroups, your site may carry the newsgroups comp.org.eff.news and comp.org.eff.talk. The former is a moderated newsgroup for announcements, newsletters, and other information; the latter is an unmoderated discussion group for discussing EFF and issues relating to the electronic frontier.

For those unable to read the newsgroups, there are redistributions via electronic mail. Send requests to be added to or dropped from the comp.org.eff.news mailing list to <eff-request @eff.org>. For the comp.org.eff.talk mailing list, send a note to <eff-talk-request@eff.org>. Please note that eff-talk can be extremely high-volume at times.

A document library containing all EFF news releases and other publications of interest, including John Perry Barlow's history of EFF, Crime and Puzzlement, is available via anonymous FTP from ftp.eff.org. Send a note to <ftphelp@eff.org> if you have questions or are unable to use FTP. This archive is also accessible via Gopher. Try `gopher gopher.eff.org'.

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