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EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet - Cimarron

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Run by the Instituto Technical in Monterey, Mexico, this system has Spanish conferences, but English commands, as you can see from this menu of available conferences:

List of Boards
Name                 Title
General              Board general
Dudas                Dudas de Cimarron
Comentarios          Comentarios al SYSOP
Musica               Para los afinados........
Libros               El sano arte de leer.....
Sistemas             Sistemas Operativos en General.
Virus                Su peor enemigo......
Cultural             Espacio Cultural de Cimarron
NeXT                 El Mundo de NeXT
Ciencias             Solo apto para Nerds.
Inspiracion          Para los Romanticos e Inspirados.
Deportes             Discusiones Deportivas

To be able to write messages and gain access to files, you have to leave a note to SYSOP with your name, address, occupation and phone number. To do this, at any prompt, hit your M key and then enter, which will bring up the mail system. Hitting H brings up a list of commands and how to use them.

Telnet: bugs.mty.itesm.mx (8 p.m. to 10 a.m., Eastern time, only).
At the "login:" prompt, type `bbs' and hit enter.

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