(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
From bios.history
Lehmann, Stephen
Unserid@nodeid: bm.pgp@rlg.bitnet
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Address: Van Pelt Library, University of Pennysylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: (215) 898-8118
Biography: Berkeley, Calif., native. Parents were
German-Jewish refugees. Most of my schooling in Berkeley,
apart from a few years in Switzerland. Veteran of Sproul
Plaza. Peace Corps in Lesotho. Graduate degree in German
lit., then librarianship. Have worked at UC San Diego,
U of Nebraska, Swarthmore College and now U of Penn.
Co-translator of Nietzsche's Human, all-too human and
book review editor of College & Research Libraries.
Interests: very eclectic, but music most intensely.