(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
From bios.history
Ryle, Martin
Institution: University of Richmond, VA, USA
Address: University of Richmond
Virginia 23173 USA
Phone: office (804)289-8340 home (804)282-4761
Biography: I am a 52-year-old professor of history whose
specialities are
Soviet history and Socialist and Communist thought and
This is my twenty-eighth year of teaching, all at the U
of R. While I
have a few publications, my primary interest is in
teaching the
bright and motivated students we draw. (We also draw
other kinds, but
I don't much enjoy teaching them.) My PhD is from Emory
where I worked under Kermit McKenzie. My most recent
projects have been in the development of historically
interactive games for educational use. The only one in
the can is
based on the Russian Revolution, and I am trying to
develop one based
on Stalin's rise to power.
Interests: Soviet history and foreign policy, Comintern history,
19th century
theories and movements of social dissent.