(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
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computervermittelte Kommunikation
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- Acker, Stephen R./Slaa, Paul/Bouwman, Harry (1993): International Academic Joint Ventures: Leveraging External Resources Through Telecommunications and Travel. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 4. [ZIP]
- Aiken, Milam W. (1993): Advantages of Group Decision Support Systems. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 3. [ZIP]
- Alexander, Kim (1995): Democracy Online: An Evaluation oft the 1994 California Online Voter Guide. [ZIP]
- Aoki, Kumiko (1994): Virtual Communities in Japan [This paper was presented at the Pacific Telecommincations Council 1994 Conference] [ZIP]
- Armstrong, John A (1992): The Silicon Handshake: Doing Business in the Electronic Future. [ZIP]
- Arnold, Kenneth (?): The Body in the Virtual Library: Rethinking Scholarly Communication. [ZIP]
- Aycock, Alan (1993): Virtual Play: Baudrillard Online. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 7. [ZIP]
- Balint, Lajos (1994): Computer-Aided Human-to-Human Interaction: The HCHI-Approach. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 2. [ZIP]
- Bangemann, Martin u.a. (1994): Europe and the global information society. Recommendations to the European Council. [ZIP]
- Barnes, Sue (1994): Hypertext Literacy. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 4. [ZIP]
- Bartle, Richard (1990): Interactive Multi-User Computer Games. [ZIP]
- Bayer, R. (1994): Plädoyer für eine Nationale Informations-Infrastruktur. [ZIP] [PS]
- BBC (1993?): Almost 2001. A Look at the Communications Revolution. Scripts zu einer fuenfteiligen Serie in BBC vom ???. [ZIP]
- Berge, Zane L. (1993): Computer Conferencing and Online Education. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 3. [ZIP]
- Berge, Zane L./Collins, Mauri (1993): The Founding and Managing of IPCT-L: A Listowners' Perspective. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 2. [ZIP]
- Berner, R. Thomas (1993): Using Computers to Teach Journalism: What Some Students Think. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 3. [ZIP]
- Birch, David G.W./Buck, S. Peter (?): What is Cyberspace? [ZIP]
- Blanton, William E. (1993): The Application of Technologies to Student Teaching. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 7. [ZIP]
- Blystone, Ken (1993): Building a School Without Buildings. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 5. [ZIP]
- Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (1995): Multimedia: Chance und Herausforderung. [DOC] [ZIP]
- Bonchek, Mark. S. (1995): Grassroots in Cyberspace: Recruiting Members on the Internet or Do Computer Networks Facilitate Collective Action? A Transaction Cost Approach. [ZIP]
- Borchers, Detlef (1993): Das Gläserne Netzwerk. Gewerkschaften und Netzwartung. Network&Communication 10/93, S. 28ff. [ZIP]
- Bornsen, Arne/Bury, Hans Martin (1995): SPD will Multi-Media-Debatte forcieren. Zur Einbringung der Großen Anfrage "Multi-mediale Kommunikation - Stand und Perspektive der Entwicklung in Deutschland". [ZIP]
- Bradley, C. Diane (1993): Access to U.S. Government Information on the Internet. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 4. [ZIP]
- Brown, Ronald H./Lehman, Bruce A. (1994): Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure. [ZIP]
- Brown, Ronald H./Irving, Larry/Prabhakar, Arati/Katzen, Sally (1995): The Global Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Cooperation. [ZIP]
- Bruckman, Amy/Resnick, Mitchel (1993): Virtual Professional Community: Results from the MediaMOO Project. [Presented at 3CYBERCONF, The Third International Conference on Cyberspace in Austin, Texas on May 15th, 1993] [ZIP]
- Bruckman, Amy (1994): Programming for Fun: MUDs as a Context for Collaborative Learning. [Submitted to NECC '94] [ZIP]
- Burnett, Kathleen (1993): The Scholar's Rhizome: Networked Communication Issues. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 2. [ZIP]
- Burroughs, William S. (1970): The Electronic Revolution. [ZIP]
- Caldwell, Barrett S./Taha Lilas H (1993): Starving at the Banquet: Social Isolation in Electric Communication Media. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 1. [ZIP]
- Cannon, John R. (1993): Telecommunications for Primary and Secondary Schools: A Need More Than Ever Before. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 4. [ZIP]
- Canzler, Weert/Helmers, Sabine/Hoffmann, Ute (1995): Die Datenautobahn. Sinn und Unsinn einer populären Metapher. [ZIP]
- Carlstrom, Eva-Lise (1992): Better Living through Language. The Communicative Implications of a Text-Only Virtual Environment or Welcome to LambdaMOO! [ZIP]
- CFP (1993): Themenpapier zu "The Third Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy", 9-12 March 1993, San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel, Burlingame, CA. [ZIP]
- CFP (1994): Themenpapier zur "Fourth Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy:", March 23-26, 1994, Chicago Palmer House Hilton, Thema: "Cyberspace Superhighways: Access, Ethics and Control". [ZIP]
- Chandler, Paul (1993): A Way Forward to Teach and Learn with (not about) Computer Communications. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 3. [ZIP]
- Cherny, Lynn (1994): Gender Differences in Text-Based Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the Berekley Conference on Women and Language, April 94 [ZIP] [PS]
- Cisler, Steve (1993): Protection and The Internet. [ZIP]
- Cisler, Steve (1993): Community Computer Networks: Building Electronic Greenbelts. [ZIP]
- Coate, John (1992): Cyberspace Innkeeping: Building Online Community. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 4. [ZIP]
- Cohen, Joel A. (1993): The Electronic Library in Higher Education: An Overview and Status Report. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 1. [ZIP]
- Collins, Mauri P. (1993): Computer Networks and Networking: A Primer. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 1. [ZIP]
- Cononelos, Terri/Maurizio, Olivia (1994): Teaching Languages with Netnews. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 1. [ZIP]
- Costikyan, Greg (1991): Closing the Net. Reason Magazine, Januar '91. [ZIP]
- Cotlar, Morton/Shimabukuro, James N. (1993): Stimulating Learning with Electronic Guest Lecturing. In: Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 1. [ZIP]
- Couey, Anna (1991): Cyber Art: The Art of Communication Systems. Matrix News, 1, 4. [ZIP]
- Crocker, Steve (1992): The Political and Social Implications of the Net. [ZIP]
- Curtis, Pavel (?): Mudding: Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Realities. [ZIP]
- Curtis, Pavel/Nichols, David A. (1993): MUDs Grow up: Social Virtual Reality in the Real World. [ZIP]
- Dahm, Hermann (1993): Randauszählung einer Umfrage der Forschungsgruppe "Medienkultur und Lebensformen", Uni Trier, im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes "Kultur und elektronische Kommunikation". [ZIP]
- Day, Colin (1993): Economics of Electronic Publishing. [Paper presented at the AAUP/ARL Symposium on Electronic Publishing, November, 1993] [ZIP]
- Day, Donald (1994): Computerized Tools as Intermediaries in the Communication of Mental Maps. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 2. [ZIP]
- Denning, Peter J./Rous, Bernard (1995): The ACM Electronic Publishing Plan. [ZIP]
- Dery, Mark (?): Cultural Jamming: Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs. [ZIP]
- Dibbell, Julian (1993): A Rape in Cyberspace or How an Evil Clown, a Haitian Trickster Spirit, Two Wizards, and a Cast of Dozens Turned a Database Into a Society. Village Voice, December 21, 1993. [ZIP]
- Dibbell, Julian (1995): Viruses Are Good for You. Spawn of the devil, computer viruses may help us realize the full potential of the Net. Wired 3.02. [ZIP]
- Dickinson, Dee (1994): Educational Change and Multimedia Technology. [ZIP]
- Danish Ministry of Research and Information Technology (1994): From Vision to Action. Info-Society 2000. [DOC] [ZIP]
- Doering, Nicola (1994): Einsam am Computer? Sozialpsychologische Aspekte der Usenet Community. [ZIP]
- Doering, Nicola (1995): Isolation und Einsamkeit bei Netznutzern? Oeffentliche Diskussion und empirische Daten [ZIP]
- Dworschak, Manfred (1994): Zauberreich aus Bits und Bytes. Ein Artikel Über MUDs aus der ZEIT, Nr. 41 vom 7.10.94. [ZIP]
- Dyson, Esther/Gilder, George/Keyworth, George/Toffler, Alvin (1994): Cyberspace and the American Dream: A Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age. Release 1.2 [ZIP]
- Eastmond, Daniel V./Rohfeld, Rae W. (1993): A Report of Syracuse University's Computer-Facilitated Learning Program in Adult Education. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 3. [ZIP]
- European Comission (1994): Europe's Way to the Information Society. An Action Plan. [ZIP]
- Electronic Frontier Foundation (1993): The Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet. [ZIP]
- Elmer-DeWitt, Philip (1994): Battle for the Soul of the Internet. TIME Magazine 25.07.94. [ZIP]
- Emert, Herbert (?): [Eine Untersuchung zu MUDs. Titel und andere Angaben lagen dem Text leider nicht bei] [ZIP]
- Evard, Rémy (1993): Collaborative Networked Communication: MUDs as Systems Tools. [This paper was first published by the USENIX Association as Proceedings of the Seventh Systems Administration Conference (LISA VII), pages 1-8, November 1993, Monterey, CA.] [ZIP]
- Falckenberg, Christian (1994): Internet - Spielzeug oder Werkzeug? Einführung in Grundlagen und Anwendungen mit Diskussion sozialer und gesellschaftlicher Aspekte. Studienarbeit am Lehrstuhl Technische Informatik, RWTH Aachen. [ZIP]
- Farmer, Randall F. (1991): The Second International Conference on Cyberspace: Literacy Criticism Collides With Software Engineering. [ZIP]
- Farmer, F. Randall/Morningstar, Chip/Crockford, Douglas (1994): From Habitat to Global Cyberspace. [ZIP]
- Figallo, Cliff (1993): The WELL: Small Town on the Internet Highway System. [ZIP]
- Fillmore, Laura (1993): Internet Publishing: How We Must Think. [ZIP]
- Fillmore, Laura (1993): Online Publishing: Threat or Menace? [ZIP]
- Fisher, Janet H. (1993): Copyright: The Glue of the System. [ZIP]
- Foner, Leonard N. (1993): What's An Agent, Anyway? A Sociological Case Study [ZIP] [PS] [MSS]
- Fowler, Robert M. (1994): How the Secondary Orality of the Electronic Age can Awaken Us to the Primary Orality of Antiquity or What Hypertext can Teach Us About the Bible. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 3. [ZIP]
- Fromme, Robert Alexander (1993): "Project Ecology": An International Exchange of Student Art. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 4. [ZIP]
- Fuller, Rodney (1994): Human-Computer-Human Interaction: How Computers Affect Interpersonal Communication. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 2. [ZIP]
- Gibson, William; Sterling, Bruce (1993): Reden von Gibson und Sterling vor der National Academy of Science, Convocation on Technology and Education, Washington D.C., 10. Mai 1993. [ZIP]
- Gilder, George (1993): The Coming of the Fibersphere. In a world of dumb terminals and telephones, networks had to be smart. But in a world of smart terminals, networks have to be dumb. [ZIP]
- Goebel, Stephan (1993): Neues Medium Mailbox. Computer und Kommunikation. [ZIP]
- Goldman-Seagall, Ricki (1993): The Growth of a Multimedia School Culture: A Multi-Voiced Narrative. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 7. [ZIP]
- Gore, Al (1995): Remarks to G7 Ministers Meeting on the Global Information Initiative (as prepared). [ZIP]
- Greller, Leonore M./Barnes, Sue (1993): Groupware and Interpersonal Text: The Computer as a Medium of Communication. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 2. [ZIP]
- Gresham, John L. Jr. (1994): From Invisible College to Cyberspace College: Computer Conferencing and the Transformation of Informal Scholary Communication Networks. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 4. [ZIP]
- Grigas, Gintautas (1993): An Experiment of Computer Programming Practice by E-Mail. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 2. [ZIP]
- Hardy, Henry Edward (1993): The History of the Net. [ZIP]
- Hardy, Henry Edward (1993): The future of text based virtual reality. [ZIP]
- Hardy, Henry E. (1993): The Wide Area Information Server (WAIS). A Case Study [ZIP]
- Hardy, Henry Edward (1993): The Usenet System [ZIP]
- Hardy, Henry Edward (1993): National Information Systems and the US Bill of Rights. [ZIP]
- Harris, Leslie D. (1994): The Psychodynamic Effects of Virtual Reality. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 1. [ZIP]
- Hart, Michael (1993): The Rate of Change of the Rate of Change. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 4. [ZIP]
- Hart, Michael (1993): Stereographic Lithography. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 5. [ZIP]
- Hart, Michael S. (1993): The Rate of Change of the Rate of Change: Column Three. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 6. [ZIP]
- Hart, Michael (1994): The Rate of Change of the Rate of Change. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 1. [ZIP]
- Hauben, Michael (?): The Net and Netizens: The Impact the Net has on People's Lives. [ZIP]
- Hauben, Michael/Hauben, Ronda (?): The Social Forces Behind the Development of Usenet News. [ZIP]
- Hauben, Michael (?): Behind the Net: The untold history of the ARPANET. [ZIP]
- Helstien, Brian (1994): Libraries: Once and Future. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 4. [ZIP]
- Henderson, Richard (?): The Internet: A Higher Education Communications Revolution. [ZIP]
- Henstell, Bruce (1993): A Seminar in Cyberspace: Prof. Peter Kollock's Sociology 285K/197H. [ZIP]
- Hoppe, Heinz-Otto (1993): Globale Pinnwände. Mailboxnetze als Mittel gesellschaftspolitischer Kommunikation. Studienarbeit am Institut f/uuml;r Journalistik der Universität Dortmund. [ZIP]
- Jamison, P. K. (1994): Contradictory Spaces: Pleasure and the Seduction of the Cyborg Discource. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 1. [ZIP]
- Jupiter Project Team (?): Not a Highway, but a Place: Joint Activity on the Net. [ZIP]
- Karraker, Roger (1991): Highways of the Mind or Toll Roads Between Information Castles? Whole Earth Review 70 (Spring 1991). [ZIP]
- Katzman, Sandra (1994): Quirky Rebuses. "Graphic Accents" in Telecommunications. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 4. [ZIP]
- Keep, C. J. (1993): Knocking on Heaven's Door. Leibniz, Baudrillard and Virtual Reality. _EJournal_, 3, 2. [ZIP]
- Kehoe, Brendan P. (1992): Zen and the Art of Internet. A Beginner's Guide to the Internet. Rev. 1.0, 02.02.92. [ZIP] [PS]
- Kellermann, Juergen (1993): Mit Mailboxnetzen Gegenöffentlichkeit schaffen? Ein Versuch - dargestellt am Beispiel der Computervernetzung Z-Netz/CL-Netz. [ZIP]
- King, Storm (1994): Computer Bulletin Boards, A Support Network For Recovering Drug Addicts. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 4. [ZIP]
- King, Storm (1994): Analysis of Electronic Support Groups for Recovering Addicts. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 3. [ZIP]
- Klein, Ludger/Rohde, Markus (?): Exploration und Szenariobogen als integrierte Methode zur Herleitung und Evaluation software-ergonomischer Gestaltungsanforderungen. [DOC] [ZIP]
- Kling, Rob (1993): Organizational Analysis in Computer Science. The Information Society, 9, 2. [ZIP]
- Kling, Rob (1993): Usability Versus Computability: Social Analyses by Computer Scientists. Informatics, Organisation and Society, 1993 [ZIP]
- Kneer, Volker (1994): Computernetze und Kommunikation. Diplomarbeit am Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Sozialforschung, Hohenheim. [ZIP] [RTF]
- Kneer, Volker (1994): Randauszaehlung der Umfrage zur Netznutzung. [ZIP]
- Koban, Oliver/Loefke, Karo/Menger, Ralf/Scharping, Stefan (1993): Computer und soziale Unterstuetzungsnetze. Forschungsbericht zu einer Untersuchung im Rahmen des Empirie-Seminars "Informationstechnologie und Sozialstruktur" bei Prof. Dr. Klaus Allerbeck an der Uni Frankfurt/Main. [ZIP]
- Kollmann, Karl (1995): Neue Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien und Verbraucher. (Anhänge nur im ZIP-File) [DOC] [ZIP]
- Kollock, Peter/Smith, Marc (1994): Managing the Virtual Commons: Cooperation and Conflict in Computer Communities. [ZIP]
- Kort, Barry (?): Virtual Realities, Virtual Communities, and Informal Science Education. [ZIP]
- Kovacs, Diane K. (1993): The Directory of Scholary E-Conferences: 1991-1993. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 5. [ZIP]
- Krol, Ed (1989): The Hitchhikers Guide to the Internet. RfC 1118. [ZIP]
- Kuehn, Scott A.(1993): Communication Innovation on a BBS: A Content Analysis. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 2. [ZIP]
- Lawley, Elizabeth Lane (?): The Sociology of Culture in Computer-Mediated Communication: An Initial Exploration. [ZIP]
- Lemke, J. L. (1993): Education, Cyberspace, and Change. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 1. [ZIP]
- Lemke, J. L. (1993): Hypermedia and Higher Education. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 2. [ZIP]
- Lemke, Jay (1994): Cultural Dynamics and Virtual Culture. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 1. [ZIP]
- Loughlin, Thomas W. (1993): Virtual Relationships: The Solitary World of CMC. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 1. [ZIP]
- MacKinnon, Richard Clark (1992): Searching for the Leviathan in Usenet. [ZIP]
- Maddox, Tom (?): Reports from the Electronic Frontier: The Dark Side of the Net. [ZIP]
- Maier, Gunther/Wildberger, Andreas (1993): In 8 Sekunden um die Welt: Kommunikation über das Internet. Bonn; New York; Paris [u.a.]: Addison-Wesley. [ZIP]
- Mandel, Thomas F. (1993): Surfing the Wild Internet. [ZIP]
- Masinter, Larry/Ostrom, Eric (1993): Collaborative Information Retrieval: Gopher from MOO. [ZIP]
- Maule, William R. (1993): The Network Classroom. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 1. [ZIP]
- May, Timothy C. (?): Crypto Anarchy and Virtual Communities. [ZIP]
- McComb, Mary (1993): Augmenting a Group Discussion Course with Computer-Mediated Communication in a Small College Setting. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 3. [ZIP]
- McGreal, Rory (1994): The New Brunswick Net: The 21st Century Now. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 1. [ZIP]
- Metz, J. Michel (1994): Computer-Mediated Communication: Literature Review of a New Context. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 2. [ZIP]
- Meyer, Gordon R. (1989): The Sozial Organization of the Computer Underground. MA-Thesis. [ZIP]
- Meyer, Gordon; Zhomas, Jim (1990): The Baudy World of the Byte Bandit: A Postmodernist Interpretation of the Computer Underground. [ZIP]
- Miller, John Laurence (1994): Turning the Computer into the Children's Machine. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 1. [ZIP]
- Mitchell, Tony/Paprzycki, Marcin/Duckett, George (1994): Research Methods Using Computer Networks. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 4. [ZIP]
- Morningstar, Chip/Farmer, Randall F. (1990): The Lessons of Lucasfilm's Habitat. [ZIP]
- Murfin, Brian (1994): An Analysis of Computer-Mediated Communication Between Middle School Students and Scientist Role Models. A Pilot Study. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 3. [ZIP]
- NagaSiva, Thyagi (?): The MUD as Psychological Model. The MUD as a Basis for Western Mysticism. [ZIP]
- Norman, Kent L./Carter, Leslie E. (1994): An Evaluation of the Electronic Classroom: The AT&T Teaching Theater at the University of Maryland. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 1. [ZIP]
- North, Max/North, Sarah M. (1994): Relative Effectiveness of Virtual Environment Desensitization and Imaginal Desensitization in the Treatment of Aerophobia. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 4. [ZIP]
- Odlyzko, Andrew (1994): Tragic loss or good riddance? The impending demise of traditional scholarly journals. [ZIP] [PS]
- O'Donnell, David B. (?): Introduction to the Internet. [ZIP]
- Okerson, A./Sloan, E. (1994): Columbia Working Group on Electronic Texts. [ZIP]
- Palme, Jacob (1993): Legal and Ethical Aspects of Computer-Mediated Communication. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 4. [ZIP]
- Paul, Michael J./Gochenouer, John E. (1994): Telecommunication, Isolation, and the Eorosion of Privacy. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 3. [ZIP]
- Paul, Ray J./Thomas, Peter J. (1994): Computer-Based Simulation Models for Problem-Solving: Communicating Problem Understandings. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 2. [ZIP]
- Phillips, Gerald M. (1994): Speech 2001: A Projection of the Future. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 4. [ZIP]
- Phillips, Gerald M. (1994): A Nightmare Scenario: Literacy and Technology. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 2. [ZIP]
- Quarterman, John S. (?): National Network Policy. Matrix News, 1, 1. [ZIP]
- Quarterman, John, S./Carl-Mitchell, Smoot (?): Networks are Volunteers? Matrix News, 1, 4. [ZIP]
- Raschke, Carl (?): The Classroom of Tomorrow - Not the Day After Tomorrow. The Coming Wave of Technology-Drive Educational Innovation Otherwise Known a "Extended Learning (EL)". [ZIP]
- Reed, Darren (1992): A Discussion on Computer Network Conferencing. RfC 1324. [ZIP]
- Reid, Elizabeth M. (1991): Electropolis: Communication and Community on Internet Relay Chat. [ZIP]
- Reid, Elizabeth M. (1994): Cultural Formation in Text-Based Virtual Realities. [ZIP]
- Rheingold, Howard (1992): A Slice of Life in My Virtual Community. [ZIP]
- Rohde, Markus (1994): Evaluationsstudie zum Konzept gestufter Metafunktionen. Erschienen in: A. Hartmann, Th. Herrmann, M. Rohde und V. Wulf (Hrsg.): Menschengerechte Groupware - Software-ergonomische Gestaltung und partizipative Umsetzung, Stuttgart: Teubner, 151-172. [DOC] [ZIP]
- Rohde, Markus (1995): The Scenarionnaire. Empirical Evaluation of Software-ergonomical Requirements for Groupware. Erscheint in: Preceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Yokohama, Elsevier Science Publishers, North-Holland, im Druck. [DOC] [ZIP]
- Ronfeldt, David (1992): Cyberocracy is Coming. The Information Society Journal, 8, 4. [ZIP]
- Roschelle, Jeremy (1994): Designing for Cognitive Communication: Epistemic Fidelity or Mediating Collaborative Inquiry? The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 2. [ZIP]
- Rosenberg, Michael S. (1992): Virtual Reality: Reflections of Life, Dreams, and Technology. An Ethnography of an Computer Society. [ZIP]
- Roush, Wade (1993): The Virtual STS Centre on Media MOO presents: A Forum on the Use of Virtual Spaces for Work-Related Interaction in the Humanities. An Electronic Transcript of a Group Discussion. [ZIP]
- Sadavage, Gary (1994): A Framework for Analyzing the Alternative Methodologies for Investigating the Effectiveness of Hypermedia. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 4. [ZIP]
- Sakkas, Lee (1993): Politics on the Internet. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 2. [ZIP]
- Schaffner, Ann C. (?): The Future of Scientific Journals: Lessons From the Past. Information Technology and Libraries. [ZIP]
- Alton-Scheidl, Roland (1993): Redesigning the Concept of Bulletin Board Systems: Towards the Needs of an Emerging Mass Media. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 4. [ZIP]
- Schinzel, Britta (1993): Frauen und Informatik. Kontroversen um geschlechtsbasierte Orientierungen in der Informatik. [ZIP] [PS]
- Schrage, Michael (1995): Europe Is Its Own Biggest Barrier To Global Digital Competitiveness. The Washington Post (LEGI-SLATE Article No. 223771). [ZIP]
- Sclove, Richard/Scheuer, Jeffrey (?): The Ghost in the Modem. For Architects of the Info-Highway, Some Lessons From the Concrete Interstate [ZIP]
- Scott, Tony (1993): The Behavior Settings of Network Literacy: A Framework for Generatization from Anecdotal Evidence in Qualitative Research about Computer-Mediated Communication? The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 7. [ZIP]
- Seaman, David (1994): Campus Publishing in Standardized Electronic Formats - HTML and TEI. [ZIP]
- Serpentelli, Jill (?): Conversational Structure and Personality Correlates of Electronic Communication. [ZIP]
- Shade, Leslie Regan (1994): Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Academic Culture. In: The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 1. [ZIP]
- Shank, Gary (1993): Abductive Multiloguing: The Semiotic Dynamics of Navigating the Net. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 1. [ZIP]
- Shank, Gary (1993): Using Qualitative Research to Understand the Nature of Virtual Culture in Education. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 7. [ZIP]
- Silva, Marcos/Breuleux, Alain (1994): The Use of Participatory Design in the Implementation of Internet-based Collaborative Learning Activities in K-12 Classrooms. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 3. [ZIP]
- Smith, Marc A. (?): Voices from the WELL: The Logic of the Virtual Commons. [ZIP]
- Drei Artikel aus DER SPIEGEL (32/94): Gesetzlos im Cyberspace/Privater Zugang zum Internet/Netz mit Hummer. [ZIP]
- Stepp, Ermel (1993): Virtualization of Institutes for Research. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 1, 6. [ZIP]
- Sterling, Bruce (1994): Remarks at Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference IV, Chicago, Mar 26, 1994. [ZIP]
- Stodolsky, David S. (1994): Telematic Journals and Organizational Control: Integrity, Authority, and Self-Regulation. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 1. [ZIP]
- Stone, Allucquere Rosanne (1993): Interview mit Dave Demaris, Jon Lebkowsky und Paco Xander Nathan über Virtual Realities. [ZIP]
- Stone, Allucquere Rosanne (1993): Violation and Virtuality: Two cases of physical and psychological boundary transgression and their implications. [ZIP]
- Stone, Allucquere Rosanne (1993): What Vampires Know: Transsubjection And Transgender in Cyberspace. Transcript of a talk by Allucquere Rosanne Stone given at "In Control: Mensch-Interface-Maschine", at the Kunstlerhaus, Graz, Austria, May 1993. Symposium arranged and chaired by Eva Ursprung. [ZIP]
- Strong, William S. (1994): Copyright in the New World of Electronic Publishing. [Presented at the workshop Electronic Publishing Issues II at the Association of American University Presses (AAUP) Annual Meeting, June 17, 1994, Washington, D.C.] [ZIP]
- Swanson, Douglas J. (1993): Toward a Policy for Managing the Use of Computer Mediated Communication in the Workplace. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1, 1. [ZIP]
- Talbott, Stephen L. (1994): Countercultural Computing. Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 2, 2. [ZIP]
- Theall, Donald F. (1992): Beyond the Orality/Literacy Dichotomy: James Joyce and the Pre-History of Cyberspace. Postmodern Culture, 2, 3. [ZIP]
- Toth, Jozsef A. (1994): The Effects of Combining Interactive Graphics and Text in Computer-Mediated Small Group Decision-Making. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, 2, 2. [ZIP]
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Reiner Kukulies, 09.04.95