(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
Les Pages de Paris
The Paris Pages
Paris Pages - Press Watch
The Paris Pages have been mentioned or featured in numerous publications, television programs, and media sites. Some of them are listed below.
If you see the Paris Pages mentioned somewhere please
tell us
The New York Times
- 19 June 1995; USA.
Point Communications
- June 1995; judges Paris Pages to be in:
Top 5% of all web sites worldwide;
One of best ten sites worldwide
in terms of presentation;
Paris Pages'
section in top 5% of all web sites worldwide;
Planete Internet
- Premiere issue June 1995; France.
The Net
- Premiere issue June 1995; USA.
Mac World
- May 1995.
The Paris Free Voice
- April 1995; France.
- April 1995; USA
Internet World
- April 1995; USA
Halifax Herald
- 24 March 1995; Canada.
- March 1995; French television (program title:
CHIPS Spezial
- February 1995; Germany.
France 2
- February 1995; French television (the news at 20h).
Internet and Comms Today
- January 1995; Britian.
Fujitsu Limited
- Spring 1995; Japan (internet/web video project).
Discovery Channel
- Spring 1995; Canada.
Internet Magazine
- December 1994; Japan.
Sydney Morning Herald
- December 1994; Australia.
Business Week
- November 1994.
Updated 05/95