Introductory Remarks
Thomas Keenan Professor, English Department, Princeton University. Author of Fables of Responsibility (forthcoming).
What is "humanitarian intervention"?
1:45pm - 3:30pm
Nuruddin Farah Novelist. Author, among many works, of Maps and Gifts.
Alain Joxe Professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales,
Director, Groupe de sociologie de la défense. Author of Voyage aux sources de la guerre and L'Amérique Mercenaire.
Stephen Smith Journalist, Libération. Author of Somalie : la guerre perdue de l'humanitaire.
Alex de Waal Co-Director of African Rights, London which recently published Rwanda: Death, Despair and Defiance.
Covering genocide, covering refugees
4pm - 6pm
Raymond Bonner Journalist, The New York Times.
Dismas Nkunda Journalist, The Monitor, Kampala, Uganda.
Without enemies, beyond sovereignty?
Rights and duties of intervention
10am - 12pm
Giorgio Agamben Philosopher, Università di Verona. Author of Stanzas and The coming community.
Kendall Thomas Professor, Columbia School of Law, Columbia University.
Samuel Weber Professor of English and Comparative Litterature, University of California at Los Angeles. Author of Mass Mediauras.
Humanitarianism and Universalism
2pm - 4pm
Etienne Balibar Philosopher, Université de Paris X Nanterre. Author, among many works, of Les frontières de la démocratie.
Rony Brauman Former President of Médecins sans Frontières. Author of Le crime humanitaire and Devant le Mal ; Rwanda un génocide en direct .
Jane Perlez Journalist, The New York Times.
Pictures in, Pictures out
4:30pm - 6:30pm
Pierre Gassman Chief of the Press Division of the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Nik Gowing Diplomatic Editor, Channel Four News/ITN.
Michael Maren Free-lance journalist, contributes to The Village Voice,
The New York Times and The Nation.
This program is subject to change. For obvious reasons contingent on world events, some of the international journalists may,at the last minute, be unable to particpate in this conference.
The conference is free and open to the public. It will take place in both French and English and there will be simultaneous translation.
Updated 11/94