Where: 4, blvd, Jules Ferry; 11th arrondissement
Tel: 43 57 02 60
Open: 8h - 22h Daily
Notes: Provides same-day reservations in one of their affiliated youth
hostels or budget hotels - a total of 10,000 beds in and
around the city. Fax 40 21 79 92
The following hostels are open 06h - 02h daily; rooms available after 14h30;
families are not allowed. Doubles, triples, and quads 110F per person (includes
breakfast and showers); singles (none at Paris Louvre) are 120F per person.
Individual reservations not accepted; telephone or go in person the same
day around 08h.
Paris Louvre, 1st arrondissement
Where: 20, rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Tel: 42 36 88 18
Métro: Louvre
Notes: 2 - 8 beds per room; Fax 42 33 40 53.
Paris Opéra, 1st arrondissement
Where: 11 rue Thérèe
Tel: 42 60 77 23
Métro: Pyramides
Notes: Fax 42 33 40 53.
Paris Les Halles, 1st arrondissement
Where: 5, rue du Pélican
Tel: 40 26 92 45
Métro: Palais Royal
Notes: Showers and toilets on alternate floors; Fax 42 33 40 53.
Paris Quartier Latin, 5th arrondissement
Where: 44, rue des Bernardins
Tel: 43 29 34 80
Métro: Maubert-Mutualité
Notes: Fax 42 33 40 53.
Formerly International Yough Hostel Federation (IYHF).
To stay in an HI hostel you must be a member. Join HI in your home country
before leaving for Paris, although you can join on the spot, it will cost you
more than otherwise.
Maisons des Jeunes Rufz de l'Avison Where: 18, rue J.-J.-Rousseau; 1st arrondissement
Tel: 45 08 02 10
Métro:Louvre, Palais-Royal
Open: 7h - 19h
Notes: Roughly 100F per person.
Young and Happy (Y & H) Hostel Where: 80, rue Mouffetard; 5th arrondissement
Tel: 45 35 09 53
Open: until 1h (lockout 11h - 17h)
Notes: Roughly 100F; Fax: 47 07 22 24
Foyer International des Etudiantes Where: 93, blvd. St-Michel; 6th arrondissement
Tel: 43 54 49 63
Open: Sun-Fri 6h - 1h30; all night Saturday.
Notes: Women only Oct-June; Men and women July-Sept. Make
written reservations 2 months in advance. Roughly 160F per person.
Maison Internationale des Jeunes Where: 4, rue Titon; 11th arrondisement
Tel: 43 71 99 21
Open: until 2h (lockout 10h - 17h)
Notes: Roughly 120F per person; Fax: 43 71 78 58
Hôtel Ste-Marguerite Where: 10, rue Trousseau; 11th arrondissement
Tel: 47 00 62 00
Open: No lockout
Notes: Same day reservations available through Jules Ferry hostel.
Roughly 100F per person.
Aloha Hostel Where: 1, rue Borromée; 15th arrondissement
Tel: 42 73 03 03
Open: Lockout 11h - 17h
Notes: Roughly 95F per person.
Three Ducks Hostel Where: 6, pl Etienne Pernet; 15th arrondissement
Tel: 48 42 04 05
Open: until 1h (lockout 11h - 17h).
Notes: Weekly rate of 530F
FIAM Jean-Monet Where: 30, rue Cabanis; 14th arrondissement
Tel: 45 89 89 15
Open: April - Sept.
Notes: Roughly 250F for a single; Fax: 45 81 63 91
Centre International du Séjour de Paris: CISP ``Ravel'' Where: 6, av Maurice Ravel; 12th arrondissement
Tel: 43 43 19 01
Métro: Open: 6h30 - 1h30
Notes: Roughly 150F for a single; Fax: 43 44 45 30
Association des Foyers de Jeunes: Foyer des Jeunes Filles Where: 234, rue de Tolbiac; 13th arrondissement
Tel: 45 89 06 42
Open: 24 hrs.
Notes: Roughly 100F per person; Fax: 45 65 46 20
Maison des Clubs UNESCO Where: 43, rue de Glacière; 13th arrondissement
Tel: 43 36 00 63
Open: 24 hrs.
Notes: Roughly 150F per person; Fax: 45 35 05 96