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DASGAL, Copernic B
Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
5 Place Janssen

phone: 45 07 78 76 fax: 45 07 78 72 Internet: dubost@obspm.fr
This page is only under my responsability!

More informations about me !

You will find here a short description about me. I do my PhD at University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, UK. I'm working on Cataclysmic variable with Barbara Hassall at The Center for Astrophysics . I hope that the stuffs presented here will help you to sketch me.

Variables Stars
Since my B.Sc Physics at the Montreal University, I manage to do a database on variables stars and more particular on the tools to study this kind of objects

Paris Observatory
I'm researcher's assistant, for my national service, in DASGAL at Paris Observatory. I'm working on the precision of the effective temperatures by the Infra-Red Flux Method (IRFM) with Claude Mégessier and on stellars atmospheres.
I'm member of the editorial team of the W3 server of the Paris Observatory. I'm working on the design, the redaction and the search of informations. I'm also trying to motivate the scientist and the researchers to put their works on the WEB.

I'm also working on a cataclysmic variable BZ CAM (0623+71). This is a very strange star like the CVs in general. I hope that in a near future, i will show you my work here.

Look Here ! This is a portfolio on the Meudon Observatory.