hide random home http://www.oac.uci.edu/indiv/franklin/home.html (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

Disclaimer: This personal component of WWWebspace is under development and certain to change.

Sound Stephen D Franklin Greetings

Office of Academic Computing
University of California
Irvine, California 92717-2225
Phone: 714/824-5154
Fax: 714/824-2069
Internet: franklin@uci.edu

My personal (changing) Jumpstation, Hotlist, Gopherspace, and doc directory,
ICS 1C: Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval, Winter 1995
Michael Fried on Teaching
Individual's WWW Home Pages
UCI American Indian Summer Institute
College and University Home Pages
WWW Conferences: Geneva, 5/94; Chicago, 10/94; Darmstadt, 4/95.
``Advanced Educational Uses of the World-Wide Web''
Best of the Web '94 Contest
Geneva-Irvine Shared Documentation
of software tools for construction of computer based learning materials.
Hot List to HTML Converter
from Oscar Nierstrasz(oscar@iam.unibe.ch) hacked for single user use by franklin@uci.edu.
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