hide random home http://www.nlm.nih.gov/proceedings.dir/signidr.dir/warnock.dir/local.html (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

Local Services at Goddard

Local Services at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Built a Goddard WWW Homepage document with pointers to:

Local WWW Servers
National Space Science Data Center
Local WAIS Databases
Local Gopher Servers
Center-wide server (gopher.gsfc.nasa.gov) already running, including pointers back to the STELAR WAIS Databases
Local FTP Archives
Lots of these - including a kludge to handle the VMS-based NSSDC anonymous account
Local Captive and Guest Telnet Accounts
Including the NASA Master Directory and on-line ordering of data products from NSSDC

Before long, we heard from others, at Goddard and elsewhere