(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
Evolution of the Internet
- 1969
- Hosts: 4
- Event: ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency connects 4 hosts at
UCLA, UCSB, SRI, and Univ. Utah using Network Control Program (NCP)
- 197?
- Event: ARPA becomes DARPA
- 1976
- Event: Packet switching nodes and internetwork gateways appear;
UUCP developed at AT&T
- 1979
- Event: UNC-Duke UUCP link (birth of Usenet)
- 1980
- Hosts: app. 213
- Event: First TCP/IP implementations appear
- 1983
- Hosts: 562
- Event: DARPA requires use of TCP/IP;
ARPANET/MILNET (Defense Information Systems Agency) split
- 1984 (Oct.)
- Hosts: 1,024
- Event: Domain Name System (DNS) introduced
- 1985
- Hosts: 1,961
- Event: NSF links its 6 SuperComputer Centers
- 1986
- Hosts: 5,089
- Event: NSF establishes 3-tiered NSFNET (backbone, mid-level, campuses)
- 1987
- Hosts:1 28,174
- Event:1 NSF contracts with MERIT (collaborates with IBM and MCI)
to upgrade NSFNET
- 1988 (July)
- Hosts: 56,000
- Event: NSF completes transition to T1 backbone;
phase-out of ARPANET begins
- 1990 (June)
- Hosts: 313,000
- Event: ARPANET dissolved
- 1992 (Dec.)
- Hosts: 1,136,000
- Event: NSF completes transition to T3 backbone
The Future of the Internet
- NREN: unify management of NSF, NASA, DoE, DoD internets;
forum for research and education
- Gigabyte backbone: "National data superhighway"
- Exciting developments in information retrieval
R. P. C. Rodgers, Lister Hill Center, NLM (May 1994)