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The Bulletin of The Natural History Museum (formerly: Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)), instituted in 1949, is issued in four scientific series, Botany, Entomology, Geology (incorporating Mineralogy) and Zoology.

Papers in the Bulletins are primarily the results of research carried out on the unique and ever- growing collections of the Museum, both by the scientific staff and by specialists from elsewhere who make use of the Museum's resources. Many of the papers are works of reference that will remain indispensable for years to come. All papers submitted for publication are subjected to external peer review before acceptance.

A volume contains about 160 pages (Entomology contains about 192 pages), made up by two numbers, published in Spring and Autumn. Subscriptions may be placed for one or more of the series on an annual basis. Individual numbers and back numbers can be purchased and a Bulletin catalogue, by series, is available. Orders and enquiries should be sent to:

Intercept Ltd.
PO Box 716
Hampshire SP10 1YG
(T) 01264 334748
(F) 01264 334058

The Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) - Historical Series is discontinued. However, Volumes 1 to 19 (two parts per volume) excluding Volume 4, Part 2, are available from:

Department of Library and Information Services
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
(T) 0171 938 9306
(F) 0171 938 9290

Bulletin of The Natural History Museum - Botany

Bulletin of The Natural History Museum - Entomology

Bulletin of The Natural History Museum - Geology

Bulletin of The Natural History Museum - Zoology

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This document is maintained by Lynn Millhouse (L.Millhouse@nhm.ac.uk) and Neil Thomson (N.Thomson@nhm.ac.uk)