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NCSA Mosaic for the X Window System User's Guide

Annotate Menu

The Annotate menu items let you add your comments to a document for your own use. NCSA Mosaic currently supports only personal annotations, which cannot be viewed by anyone else (unless you provide access). In the future, workgroup and public annotations may be options.

Opens the Annotate Window, where you save your comments about a file's contents. These notations are available as a separate document each time you view the file. You can make any number of annotations for a given document.

Each annotation entered separately through the Annotate Window becomes a new annotation document. After you enter an annotation, a hyperlink is displayed on the source document under the heading ``Personal Annotations.'' The components of the Annotate Window are explained below.

Audio Annotate...
Opens the Audio Annotate window, where you can record an audio annotation for inclusion in a document. (Your workstation must be equipped to make audio annotations.)

Click Start Recording to begin and Stop Recording when you are done.

Commit adds the annotation to the file, Dismiss closes the window, and Help offers additional information.

Edit This Annotation...
Use on annotation files (dimmed if an annotation is not being viewed). This option becomes active if an annotation is displayed in the Annotate Window. Add to the annotation other comments, include a file, or delete the annotation completely.
Delete This Annotation...
Use on annotation files (dimmed if an annotation is not being viewed). This option becomes active if an annotation is displayed in the Annotate Window. Select Delete This Annotation to delete the annotation displayed in the Document View window. The initial document's Document View window returns, this time without the annotation.

Annotate Window Elements

The elements of the Annotate window displayed when you select Annotate... from the Annotate menu are described below.

Annotation Author
The account being used with NCSA Mosaic is considered the default ``author'' of a notation. You can change the information in the Annotation Author field if you want.
Annotation Title
If desired, enter a brief title for the annotation. Default setting is ``Annotation by''.

The title appears at the bottom of the source document's Document View window as a hyperlink under the heading Personal Annotation. Also listed are the day, date, and time the annotation was created.

Personal Annotation button
The default and only option currently implemented. Annotations are saved in the .mosaic-personal-annotations directory in your home directory. You are the only person who can access your annotations, unless you share the file or workstation.
Enter the annotation text
Enter your annotation. Click Commit to save it, creating a hyperlink in the annotated document to your comment.

When the hyperlink in the original document is activated, the annotation text is displayed in a new window. There are no restrictions on annotation length.

Annotation text buttons

Clean Slate
Clears the contents of the annotation text entry box.
Include File...
Opens the Include File in the Annotation window. Either enter the path and filename in the Name of file to include field or locate the file to include by using the File Selection Box containing the Filter, Directories, and Files fields.

Click OK to enter the file in your annotation, Filter to select directories from the scroll list, or Cancel to cancel the dialog box.

Dimmed unless an annotation is in the Enter the annotation text box.

Annotate Window buttons

Click Commit to include the annotation in the source document, Dismiss to cancel the window, or Help for additional information.

National Center for Supercomputing Applications / mosaic-x@ncsa.uiuc.edu