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NCSA Mosaic for the X Window System User's Guide

Searching Documents

The Find In Current... option in the File menu opens a Find in Document window from which you can search for strings of characters inside the current document.
Find in Document Window

Searching starts from the top of the document. Type in the search term, and click the Find button. NCSA Mosaic moves to the first occurrence of the search term and highlights the matched text. Clicking Find again moves to the next occurrence of the search term. A dialog box tells you when there are no more matches. (Pressing the RETURN key on your keyboard with the cursor in the text field is equivalent to clicking Find.)

Use the Reset button to clear your current search text and reset the search position.

Every time you view a new document, the search position is reset to the top of the document as if Reset had been pushed -- but the search text itself is not cleared.

Click on Dismiss to terminate your search and close the window.

The two toggle buttons in the search window are for:

Caseless Search
If this is on, matches are made regardless of case. If it is toggled off, case is significant.
Backwards Search
If this is on, the next search action looks for a preceding occurrence of the text (from the cursor's current position to the top of the file).

National Center for Supercomputing Applications / mosaic-x@ncsa.uiuc.edu