(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
1992 Postings by subject
1992 Postings by subject
Starting: Fri 19 Aug 1994 - 23:10:60 EST
Ending: Fri 19 Aug 1994 - 23:13:34 EST
Messages: 386
- "usleep" function for Tower SVR3?
- *** HELP *** with an NCR 2123 Cash Register!
- 132x25 on console
- 15 pin serial pinouts
- 170MB SCSIs Tower 32/4xx
- 3000 Series
- 32/600 won't recognize 5001 disk to format & use
- 3445 to 3450 upgrade availability
- 3450 threads library
- 3rd party memory for Tower 68K, pipedream?
- 486 Upgrade Kit for 3420
- 525MB streaming drive on 3445
- 68010 upgrade to NCR1632?
- 7052 cash registers
- 9600bps UUCP on Tower/XP HPSIO crashes system.
- Address of Sea Change
- adds mentor 3000
- Anonymous ftp under NCR V.4
- Anonymous FTP with WIN
- Any advantages of 3450 over StarServer E?
- AT&T 3b2500, NFS & TCP/IP
- AT&T C++ 3.0 for NCR Unix V.4
- AWK alternatives ?
- Backup Utilities
- Bad block! No inodes!
- Boot Time Loadable drivers for SCO
- Changing My Name
- cobol conversion utility needed
- comp.sys.ncr netters get-together at NUCON '92?
- cu flow control (TOWER rel. 1.03.08)
- Dead NCR Tower XP
- Disks for Towers
- Education Services Course Offerings
- Education Services'Course Schedule for Programming Courses
- Elm 2.4
- email help
- Environmental array size <=100
- Escape sequences not being transmitted properly over TCP
- Ethernet card for NCR 3120 portable-which/where?
- Exabyte support system 3000
- Finding the addresses of interface cards
- Floppy disks on Tower XP reading IBM format
- Formatting a new Harddrive
- Formatting problem with TOWER 600.
- Forms software sought
- Full backups on Tower 700
- Further to System 3000 problem
- Future of 3445?
- Future of 3445? ... Looks Bright To Me
- gcc port to Tower 600 or 700
- Getting 32/400's to know 32/300's
- Hacking diin for older Towers.
- Hardware Service Manual for MiniTower
- help building Perl 4.035 for NCR 3447?
- Help compiling PERL 4.0 PL19
- Help needed recovering 32/650 disk
- Help needed with Tower 1632
- Help with an NCR PC
- Help With CU Flow Control (VER 1.03.08)
- Help with lost Tower 1632 password, please!
- Help with NCR minitower Unix
- HELP+CONTACTS: Sperry/UNISYS Series 5000, NCR Tower 32/600,32/800
- HELP: Tower 1632 information needed
- HELP; NCR 7900 configuration
- How to Set Up UUCP over WIN-TCP on Sys3k (long but informative)
- How to suppress echo during login...
- HP Laserjet II on Tower 32/600
- idmkunix cannot build stubs.c
- Info on NCR 3447
- info wanted on the NCR 1632 please! :)
- Information about NCR towr 386
- Install disk for Tower 1632
- Install2 on Tower 1632 question
- Installation of INN
- Installing 68881 in Tower 32/600
- Installing Maxtor 1085 in Tower 16/32
- is there a FAQ for this news grp??
- Jason Brownhill, please contact (can't mail you)
- Korn shell bug?
- Life Insurance Package
- Looking for 3.2 StarLAN Client
- Looking for UNIX tapes for NCR Tower XP 3023.
- lpNet
- Mail
- Mailing list for AT&T StarServer S/E admins/users/programmers?
- Max number of X clients, ftp sessions etc.
- Memory versus AP
- more email help
- More from the Tower/XP Unix saga. Need help, please.
- More From the TWR/XP UNIX Saga (Article 1257)
- Multibus Tape Controller for MiniTower
- mystery box
- NCR 3000 HW upgrade 486 -> P5
- NCR 3000-series Mailing List?
- NCR 3125 Pen Based Note Pad
- NCR 3390
- NCR 3390 (harddisk and memory)
- NCR 3445 - tty00h - Full Blown RTS/CTS?
- NCR 3445 DAT - responses....
- NCR 3445 DAT support
- NCR 3445 scsi errors w/ HP DAT
- NCR 3600
- NCR 386 5.4 signals
- NCR 486-33 system boards for sale. 1500012525
- NCR 5037 Laser Printer
- NCR 53C720
- NCR 6091 (8mm SCSI tape drive)
- ncr 6416 laser printer
- NCR 6450 Printers
- NCR 7930 Terminal
- NCR 9300 system: some info needed
- NCR bashing vs complaining about problems (long)
- NCR Bulletin Board..
- NCR Cartridge Tape
- NCR fading away?
- NCR from a different perspective.
- NCR Hardware as Personal Computers
- NCR I-9020 System ?????
- NCR in Taiwan
- NCR Internet Address in Boise, Idaho?
- NCR Keyboards w/30 function keys
- NCR patch support
- NCR patch support to customers
- NCR recommends all employees use WINDOWS
- NCR tape controller (Archive SCSI drive)
- NCR Tape Drive
- NCR TOWER 32/400
- NCR Tower 32/450 for sale
- NCR Tower32/850 (AP-III)
- NCR Towerview X-terminals (yep, really)
- NCR Unix to SCO Unix Tar incompatability question
- NCR Voice Management System
- NCR X-Stations XTERM for 3270 layout
- Need correct media for Cipher QIC Tower 1632 streamer.
- Need help changing root disk
- Need help in Using NCR VMS Modem Communications
- Need info on the NCR 3000 series processors
- Need NFS for NCR 850. Help
- Need to talk with some at NCR...
- Needed: Tower 32/800 serial port info
- Netware/X on Tower 650
- Newer OS Releases for NCR Tower XP
- NFS Link
- NFS problem?
- NFSNEWS Client SCO 3.2.4. readnews cannot list articles.
- NIS on StarServer E serving net of WGS's?
- NIS on the 3445
- NOTICE: vm_hat.c: Unable to allocate hatpt structure
- Novell drivers for AT&T/NCR StarLAN 1/10
- Novell to buy USL
- Nucon '92 in Atlanta
- Old hpsio's as 3rd card on system.
- Optical RW disk for root disk?
- Oracle/NCR Tower User groups
- PC486/MC33 OS/2 High Res Driver
- Pen-based computing
- PenPoint Technical Seminar and Programming Workshop
- Perl for NCR Sys3K (Was: help building Perl 4.035 for NCR 3447?)
- pktrans & s5 filesystems
- Please provide input for PC NOS Survey!
- Point-of-Sale Programmer/Analyst (Recruiter-No fee to candidates)
- Port of gated
- price
- Problem compiling Perl 4.035 on NCR Tower
- Problem with Windows Standard mode on NCR PC8
- Problems with NCR 3434-3000 and NW 3.11
- Pseudo tty question
- QUESTION: modified /etc/rc2 screwing up booting
- Rdate command on SVR$ 2.0 and a 3445
- RE: 15 pinout
- Recommendations for 10-75 user Unix system
- Remote File Sharing
- remote printing from 3445
- Retail DOS and 7052 Power Recovery
- retiring Tower 32/650 HPSIO boards
- RFI ADDS 1010 terminal
- SCSI resets
- SLIP for NCR Tower
- SLIP on NCR 3445 with SVR4.2
- SMP Support?
- SNA on Token RING ?
- SNADS support on Towers ??
- Some more questions on S5000/30
- Sony WORM-disk (WDD-600) help needed
- Sperry S5000/30 Parallel Printer Port
- Sr. Programmer/Analyst/Team Leader--55K--So.Fla.(Recruiter-No Fee)
- StarLan information please!
- SVr4 for Tower 8xx?
- SVR4.2 2.00 release date?
- symbolic links (Tower 68K)
- System 3000 and X.400 Problems...
- System 3000 blank bootup screen
- System 3000 has rfs envy
- System 3000 SVR4 1.01 cannot spawn processes
- System 3450/3550, HP, and AT&T (Was "SVr4 for Tower 8xx?")
- SysV.4 for Tower 700
- Tapes for 525MB Tape Drive
- TCP/IP tunable parameters
- Telebits and UUCP spoofing
- telnetting to BSD...
- Terminal Servers and Twisted Pair
- test
- Thanks for the Help!
- Third Party Products
- TimeZone Change - WARNING
- Tower 1632 Help Needed
- Tower 32/650 SNA - Fact or Fiction?
- Tower 3470 TCP-IP and what is WIN-TCP?
- Tower HPSIO and fast modem?
- Tower Netware config problems
- Tower Netware/X ELD 5.0 Driver
- TOWER Operating System Releases Support Issues (Long!)
- Tower organs for sale
- Tower XP for Sale -$400
- Towers for sale...
- Upgrading RAM on NCR tower-32
- Urgent System 3000 1.01 problem
- Used NCR Equipment Wanted
- User area in kernel
- Using ICE-TEN for printing
- Using SMTP mail under SVR4.0
- UUCP over TCP
- UUXQT mail loop
- vendor independent file system format for M-O drives
- Wanted: 2meg board for Tower/XP or Mini Tower, etc.
- Wanted: COBOL compiler for NCR Tower/XP 3023 - Unix
- Wanted: Conversion of ITX streamer to release 3 format
- Wanted: Ethernet Card for NCR Tower
- Wanted: Software for NCR 32/600 UNIX Machine !!PLEASE!!
- wanted: time daemon for SVR4
- What $$$ value Tower XP?
- What causes 'In SEND/SLAVE MODE' failures in NCR/HDB uucp?
- where is emacs?
- WIN-TCP tcplisten flakiness
- WIN/TCP over X.25
- X11 R5 for 3000 series...
- X11R3 bug on system 3000
- yp on the NCR 3300 running SVR4
Last message date: Fri 19 Aug 1994 - 23:13:34 EST
Archived on: Fri Jan 27 1995 - 01:48:51 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.